There are certain things that are needed to be considered in the preparation of Fishpond. In preparation, it is important to have a knowledge on the kind of fishpond that is going to be built. Fishponds are either dugout-excavated type or dugout-concrete type.
The dugout-excavated type are just simple and economical. This type of fishpond only requires digging on its preferred location. The dugout-concrete type of fishpond are more expensive than the dugout-excavated type and it is made out from concrete materials.
Proper location should also be selected. In selecting the location of the fishpond , water supply, topography as well as soil characteristics should also be considered.,
The water supply must be accessible throughout the entire year and it should be at least 3 to 4 meters in depth. The water in the fishpond should also be free from contamination.
The topography of the site where the fish pond is going to be built should be properly selected. Areas that are experiencing frequent flooding are not a good site for fishpond construction.
The soil should be rich in organic materials. The deposit of organic materials should be 16%. The soils that are good for fishpond are clay, clay loam and sandy soil.
Fishpond construction requires financial investment. You need to prepare enough amount for its expenditures.
In maintaining fishponds, you also need to have manpower. People who usually have experienced in fishpond industry are required.
Newly built ponds should also be cleaned from predatory insects and carnivorous fishes. The predatory insects and carnivorous fishes might endangered the life of small fishes or fingerlings. Cleaning the ponds could be done by many means such as by sun drying the ponds for few days. This could make the ponds spared from harmful insects that could eat up the fingerlings.
In stocking or releasing the fingerlings,it should be remembered that the fingerlings should be handled with care. The fishes should be acclimated before the time that they will going to be released. The most suitable time is before 9 in the morning or after 6 in the afternoon.
The number of fishes or fingerlings to be released should also be enough in consideration with the size of the fishpond. This must be done to prevent overcrowding which is not good for the proper growth and development of the fingerlings.
The products accessibility to the market is also an important factor to be consider. The fishes are perishable products and the need for accessible transportation is required to reach the market fresh.
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