This Person Was Defeated Again and Again But Never Gave Up!

Failure is a vital and necessary part of the achievement process. You are never defeated until you accept defeat as a reality and decide to stop trying.


This is a record of a man that shows quitters don’t win and winners don’t quit.


* This man failed in his business in 1831.


* He was defeated in his bid for the legislature in 1832.


* He failed in business again in 1834.


* In 1835, his sweet heart died.


* In 1836, he had a nervous breakdown.


* In 1838, he lost his bid for Speaker of the House.


* In 1843 and 1845, he lost congressional campaigns.


* In 1855, he was defeated at the senate.


* In 1856, he lost the nomination for Vice President.


* He was defeated again for the senate in 1858.


* But in 1860, he was elected the PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA . Can you guess who he was?


Amazingly, it was Abraham Lincoln, who is ever remembered as one of the greatest presidents of the USA and tallest leaders of the world!


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