Some quarters of Anglo-American and Russian Astrophysicists and other Scientists who did considerable research on the Aliens made Ancient Indian Vedic Sciences as a base for their Alien-Research
Active research on Aliens comparatively is a recent phenomenon for this generation of scientists. But communications and interaction with Aliens is as old as beginning of creation for ancient Indians, but went unrecognized by the outerworld and disbelievable to modern scientists, due to its association with Hindu religion. Knowledge and secrets went unrecognized due to parochial religious acrimony for long time.
Western and American scientists still could not provide the complete knowledge to the world and, probably may not have specific perceptions on, how they are visualizing the Aliens – as Gods or Extra-Terrestrial beings like human beings living in outer planets or some thing else? Some glittering images, objects captured in the videos or camaras in the sky or outer atmosphere through satellites or in the water are being considered as Aliens or subjects related to those extra-terrestrial beings. Still they are under myraid imaginations with no certainity on their research. Both Russian and NASA scientists may claim they have the knowledge about Aliens on their structure, appearance, language, locations, but none of them were proved beyond doubts to the scientists from other nations or to the general public.
Whereas, the knowledgeable intellectuals of Western world who visited India during Colonial rule (for about 200 years) had taken away either forcibly and by pursuation most of the important scriptures, palm leaves, and ancient books having cosmic creations and spiritual secrets from local kings, Pundits and local people when they were leaving this country and left non-spiritual education and mechanical-values to Indians. So today young educated Indians are learning the words “Aliens”, ‘Extra-Terrestrial Beings’ and ‘UFO’ from the American and Western Scientists, without knowing that the supreme-knowledge pertaining to the very genesis of the universe, planets, galaxies, the system of the universal rulings, structure of Time was already told in their vedic knowledge and system of spiritual life, culture amd customs.
In fact some quarters of Anglo-American and Russian Astro-physicists and other intellectuals who did considerable research on the ancient Indian Vedic sciences, Vedic Gods made it as a base for their current research on Aliens. And came to conclusion that it is a ‘single universal knowledge’ provided in Vedas is applicable to entire living beings on the earth planet and also to infinite outer space, planets, galaxies, structures, and divine processeses. But in spite of that, the fundamental confusion remained unanswered for all of us today is, wheather Aliens appear like humans, or having some other forms.
In spite of all these confusions, one thing categorically became clear to all of us from the Ancient Vedic Sciences is, the knowledge pertaining to the ‘Structure of Time’ in the Cosmic Universe is different from that of Aliens (Considered as Gods superior to humans by Indians) to Humans. The Ancient Sanskrit language and ‘Devanagari’ scripts reveal the division of ‘Cosmic Periods’ or Time Structure for Human beings, Souls (Pitrudevatas), Ancient Divine Aliens (Gods) and Brahma Dev (Creator) is different from each other and is mentioned as follows:
1. One Blink of Eye of Human being is called one ‘Nimaysha’ or one ‘Lipta’. It is equivalent to 1/27 Vipalaas and is equivalent to 2/137 Seconds.
2. One Vipalaa is the 60th portion of one Vighadiya
3. One Vighadiya is the 60th portion of one Ghadiya
4. One Ghadiya/Ghatika is equivalent to 24 Nimayshas time
5. 18 Nimayshas or 18 blinks of eye time is called one Kaastha (Glitter) (equivalent to 8 Vipalaas) that is equivalent to two 1/5 humans seconds of human clock
6. 30 Kaasthas period is called one Kalaa (equivalent to 4 Palas, that is equivalent to 1 minute 36 seconds
7. 30 Kalaa period is called and equivalent to one Kshana that means one minute 36 seconds of human clock
8. 12 Kshanas period is called one ‘Muhurth’ that is equivalent to 48 minutes of human clock or Two Ghadiyas time
9. 30 Muhurthas period is called one ‘Ahorathra’ that is equivalent to 24 hours of human clock (One Ahorathra means one day time and one night time. That means one day).
10. 15 Ahoratraas are equivalent to one ‘Paksha’, that is equivalent to 15 days. (There are two Pakshas one is ‘Suklapaksha’ (waxing moon) and the other is ‘Krishnapaksha’ (waning moon) each having 15 days.)
11. 2 Pakshas are equivalent to One Month (30 days)
12. 2 Months are equivalent to One Season
13. 3 Seasons are equivalent to One ‘Aayana’ (that means six months)
14. 2 Aayanas are equivalent to One Year (that means 12 months of Humans and equivalent to one day of Divine Aliens.
For Human beings One month means 30 days. Whereas for the ‘Souls’ of Human beings (Pitru Devatas) these 30 human days are equivalent to One day, that means one ‘Ahoratra’ means one day time and one night time. In this again for them 15 days is complete day time and 15 days is complete night time. Whereas for Divines or ‘Ancient Divine Aliens’ the 360 days of humans are equivalent to one day (Ahoratra) for them. That means six months of human beings is day time (Vuttarayana) and another six months of human beings is night time (Dakshinayana) for Ancient Divine Aliens. 360 years of Humans beings is equivalent to ‘one divine year’ for the ‘Ancient Divine Aliens’. Such 12000 (twelve thousands) Divine years are equivalent to one ‘Yuga’ for Divine Aliens. 2000 (two thousands) Divine Years are equivalent to one ‘Ahoratra’ (one day and one night) for Brahma Dev (creator).
Due to one complete roation of Earth around the sun for 360 days or 12 months one year is occurring. Such 432,000 human years (is equivalent to 1200 Divine Years) constitutes ‘Kali yuga’ the Yuga that is presently running. Before the Kali yuga, there existed ‘Dwapara Yuga’ (the period in which Lord Sri Krishna existed), which existed for 864,000 human years that is equivalent to 2,400 Divine Years. Prior to that period ‘Treyta Yuga’ (the peiod in which Lord Sri Rama existed) existed for 12,96,000 human years equivalent to 3,600 Divine years. Even before it, there existed ‘Krita Yuga’ (the period of Vedic Gods, Prajapathis, and popular demons) for 17,28,000 human years equivalent to 4,800 Divine Years.
All the above said four ‘Yugas’ together is called as one ‘Mahayuga’ having a period of 43,20,000 years. Seventy One (71) ‘Maha Yugas period is equivalent to one ‘Manvantaram’ i.e. a period ruled by one ‘Manu’ (Sub-Creator and Ruler of the Universe). One Thousand (1,000) ‘Maha Yugas’ are equivalent to one ‘Kalpa’ i.e. 432,00,00,000 years. One ‘Kalpa’ is equivalent to one day time for ‘Brahma Dev’. That one day time of Brahma Dev is called as ‘Vudaya kalpa’. The same period of night time i.e. sleeping period of Brahma Dev is called as ‘Kshaya Kalpa’. That means one ‘Vudaya Kalpa’ (one day time) and one ‘Kshaya Kalpa’ (one night time) of ‘Brahma Dev’ is equivalent to 864,00,00,000 years, i.e. one entire day for ‘Brahma Dev’. Such 360 days are one year for ‘Brahma Dev’. (Calculate this enormous period for yourself). That ‘Brahma Dev’ would exist for One Hundered such years.
Ever since the genesis of this Universe six (6) such ‘Brahama Devs’ had born and ended. Now it is the seventh ‘Brahma Dev, called as ‘Chaturmukha Brahma Dev’, is existing in this enarmous Cosmic Universe. Even for this present ‘Chaturmukha Brahma Dev’ out of his 100 years life span 50 years have completed and now 51st year is running for him. Of his past 50 years, Six Manus i.e. 1) Swayambhu, 2) Swaarochita, 3) Vuttama, 4) Taamasa, 5) Raivata, 6) Chakusha had ruled the Universe (Earth is only a tiny part of this Universe) each for Seventy one (71) ‘Maha Yugas’ period and ended. Now it is Seventh Manu called ‘Vaivasvata Manu’ is ruling this Universe. His longevity is for a period of Seventy one (71) Maha Yugas. Now it is 28th out of 71 Maha Yugas is running and in this rotation Kali Yuga period’s Part-1 is running.
Now it is ‘Kali yuga’ Part-1 (‘Pradhama pada’ means First Part ) is running and 5,100 years elapsed out of total of 108,000 years of Part-1 (Pradhama pada) in ‘Kali yuga’, and still 102,900 years are remaining for completion of Part-1 of ‘Kali yuga’. There are three (3) more such parts in Kali yuga, each Part constituting 108,000 years. The total of four parts constitutes 432,000 years for ending of entire ‘Kali yuga’. Apart from 102,900 pending years of Part-I, the remaining period of three Parts have to be completed which constitute total of 426,900 more years out of the entire period of 432,000 years for completing of ‘Kali yuga’, that means end of human beings on this Earth, comes only after 426,900 more years as per the Ancient Indian Vedic Knowledge. By dchaitanya