Poetry From The Heart
Snowflakes loom over my shoulders
kissing my face and lips
a dampness to aid my hurt
and provide a rekindling of my loss.
The scars chafe and reopen
as pains and hurts overtake my heart.
I love winter and flurries
keeps me in touch with your offerings
lets me identify it’s the tears you shed
washing away the harshness of a truth.
I feel at home here amidst the snowfall
knowing I share in your crying discomforts.
Time holds our love and memories of ago
cupped into a mirror of lit candles of hope
as I wait to be by your side in another place.
I long to see your smile as we meet there
to hear our sighs of relief and gratitude
knowing we’re together in a life of eternity…
never to be left alone in another world.
Barbara Kasey Smith is the writer of this poem.
Writer – Barbara Kasey Smith – Copyright 2013 – Use by permission only