Tinnitus; Living and Coping

Ever wonder what it might be like to live in a world where you hear a constant ringing in your ears and it just never abates, or goes away.  The ringing in simply there from the moment you arise in the morning to the moment that you finally get to sleep.  And even while you sleep the ringing is there. 

In many ways living with Tinnitus, is like living adjacent a light rail way, or a freeway.  It could also be described as living on the coast where you hear the constant sounds of the surf.  After awhile the annoying ringing just becomes another part of the cacaphony of sounds that dwellers of today must deal. 

And the sufferer of Tinnitus goes through various phases, and the condition may not be noticed until some time after the onset, again due to the other sounds that make the din of noise of everyday life.  And upon detection of the condition the first instinct is to find a cure, and get rid of it quick.  Sadly there is no true or lasting cure, yet there are a plethora of claims saying that their remedy is a sure and effect cure.  Yet the sufferer will seek out and buy every imaginable remedy that he can afford.  And he might find a temporary remedy, but he will soon realize that the ringing is back and with a vengeance. 

What is such a person to do?  Tinnitus could be characterized as a degenerative condition where the cells in the ear that make hearing possible lose their ability to bounce back from the constant barrage of environmental junk that the average human must deal.  Just like those floaters that are another one of those conditions that will sometimes appear in the visual field and are not curable. 

I am an optimist and as such I would hope that one day a cure for Tinnitus will be found and finally restore a person to hear just the other claptrap of noise.  Then the Tinnitus sufferer will once again be just like the rest who only hear trains, planes, and automobiles. 

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