Tip – Making New Year Resolution
The Chinese say the best time to make plan for the year is at the beginning. The British has New Year resolution made in the beginning of the year too. All these tell us that the time to make our plan for the New Year 2008 is approaching. While we are thinking back and reminiscing some of the memorable events for the year 2007, it is also a time to look ahead and make plan.
Making a resolution may sound easy for many, but making the resolution work may not be as easy as it sound. There are a few things we should do to keep our resolution alive until we make another one in life at the beginning of 2009.
A tip to make New Year resolution profitable, I suggest 5 simple steps to follow:
First – limit your resolutions to three.
Do not make a long list of resolution. Think over it carefully to see what is the most of the things you really want to do for this or past year. It may be losing 10-20 pounds belly fat, getting a second degree, or paint the house. A long list of 10 or 20 resolutions will not only confuse you, it will give you a sense of failure even you can achieve half of the resolutions well. Thus, it will discourage you to keep up with the plan.
Second – make a short and precise resolution
Do not make a general resolution by saying I decide to eat less, but say clearly I will consume more fruit, vegetable, and fish for my daily diet. Or I will exercise every week but I will go swimming for two hours every week.
Third – write down and post them
Remember one year has 365 days. The year will not pass by quickly. We might not even remember we have made a New Year resolution in March let alone what they are. Get a piece of paper to write your resolution down and post it where you can see it conveniently. We may post it on the desk top to see it every day.
Forth – keeping record and making review
New Year resolution is not a once a year exercise, but a full year exercise. Give yourself a tick after you have done what you promised you would. Keep your ticks record and review it not periodically but time precisely once a forth night or a month.
Finally – Enjoy doing it
Do not have to be over serious about New Year resolution. If you can not go swimming for 3 consecutive weeks, it does not mean you have not kept up with your resolution. Please resume swimming the following week and continue on after. It would really be a good resolution if you end up losing 12 pounds from your 20 pounds plan by the end of 2008.
We can not go back to January 2007 again, but we can all look forward to January 2008 together. As the count down is nigh, I would invite all to again make our New Year resolution for a better life and enjoy it through for 2008. Happy New Year.
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