Below are some points which an interviewee should keep in mind for an effective interview


1)  Always confirm where the interview is to be held . Try not to be late at any cost .

2)  Never let show nervousness on your face . Keep smiling .

3 ) Always remember not to sit unless &  untill the interviewer says to sit.

4)  Never say ill about your previous job.

5) Never say lies about slary & work experience.

6) Once the interview is complete show your interest in the job but not your eagarness .

7) Thanks any contact or refrences  that you have used.

8) Call the organization to enquire about their decision only after an appropriate time generally itis 2 weeks or more ut not before .

Ranveer Vikram: Hi , I am a business man but love to read & share info. I am here to read & write great information
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