1. Brushing twice daily is must to keep your mouth healthy.
- Rinse after eating at all times to clean leftover foods.
- Flossing should be done to remove food particles left between teeth.
- Tongue cleaning helps to clean the surface of tongue of any deposited food particulate.
- Sticky foods and high in sugar content are harmful to the teeth and can cause cavities. Eat crunchy food and food that are self-cleansing, on the other hand, like salads, fruits, meat and low fat dairy products, which are good for general as well as oral health. Avoid snacking in between meals as at increases the risk of food being leftover on the tooth surfaces and hence increases the risk of cavities. Frequency of food intake is more harmful than the length of chewing.
- Fluoridated toothpaste or mouthwash helps to strengthen the tooth surface against cavities.
- Fluoride is applied in the form of gels, varnishes or foams for preventing cavities.
- Bad smell from mouth & bleeding gums are the first signs of gum disease. They may be associated with hormonal changes. Don’t ignore these signs, as they need immediate attention to avoid further damage.
- Decay of tooth can be prevented by application of sealants on the biting surface of the grinders in the form of thin plastic, tooth colored coating.
- Thumb sucking, nail or lip biting can be harmful to the teeth and supporting structures and hence must be discouraged. Professional intervention can be sought to help break these habits.
- Irregularities of teeth can be treated as soon as noticed and can be corrected by the orthodontic treatment. Early treatments can either simplify or rule out the necessity for orthodontic treatment at a later stage sometimes starting from the age 7-8 onwards, which may be related to development.
- Sports person involving any risk of trauma should use protective appliances such as mouth guard etc. to avoid trauma to teeth and supporting structures.
- Visit the dentist once in every six months for a check-up so that any problems
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