Generally men are more prone to heart-attack easily than the women-folk.The women often used to cry and wet their eyes and eye-lids even for a mild criticisms against them.
Recent research has revealed that since men remain stoic in the wake of hard situations and criticisms and so they are prone to heart attack easily comapring with women who easily break down and weep and cry,often shedding tears.The women has a long life without heart attack for the above said reason.
Again we see politicians in the age group of septugenerians, octogenerians and even older people who don’t suffer from heart attack easily.The main reason is that these people often use and eat onions in their usual course of meals.
Therefore, in order to avoid or prevent heart attack eat onions.Or atleast go to kitchen and help your wife to peel the onions for her and with the same finger wipe your eyes, which will lead you to shed tears.And your wife will also be pleased to see that you are more concerned about her and about the help rendered by you in her culinary works.A novel but a very simple idea to safeguard oneself from the heart attack. Isn’t it ?