Tracking Inventory Movement – The Smartest Way

Proper stock or inventory management is one of the greatest problems most organisations face. Keeping track of stock and making sure stock reaches its proper destination or knowing what enters a production facility is very important. Knowing the scheduled time of delivery is also important, If a stock does not arrive at its due date, it could disrupt the whole production process pushing back results by days and sometimes weeks. Effective tracking necessitates effective tracking.

It is quite tedious trying to keep a record of all the stock and inventory manually because there is a huge influx and outflow of stock in most organisations daily that it is mostly difficult to keep up with. Thanks to Material gate pass system that makes all these transition easier than normal, making work run smoothly and effectively.

It all starts with effective gate management

Gate management is very important to every organization that has a tremendous transit of stock out of the facility. Any organization that has that much movement of stock would want to keep track or trail them till they get to their final or authorized destination, be it inside the facility or outside the facility. To manage gates effectively, it is highly recommended to inculcate the habit of generating gate pass.

The gate pass is the core of an organisation’s security setup. It is a document of immense importance which is used to monitor the movement of stock in and out of the organization. It gives you the ability to handle the monitoring of the movement of stock in a highly professional manner. One important thing to remember is that effective gate management involves not just tracking of material movement but also tracking the entry and exit of visitors, suppliers, vendors, contractors, vehicles, etc.

Effective Gate Management can be done through Gate Management System

Material gate pass software is prioritised to track all the materials that move in and out of the organisation’s facility, be it a production or a hospitality facility. The loss of stock and materials can be greatly reduced, and people without the proper authority cannot come in contact with the material if they make the entire process of tracking automated.

Material gate pass asides from trailing the transit of stock also can create automatic emails and send them to the appropriate heads of department to report inconsistencies. The way materials are ordered, and the routes they take will be competently monitored as this gate pass also can track the stock on hand and also give employees duty as to how to handle all the available assets.

The software also has configured in its problem-solving skills for those little problems that are inconsequential that end up causing production problems when materials are not accounted for; they provide step by step support so solving of issues become very quick and efficient. The software also makes sure every process is automatically making it faster and more effective than usual.

Material Gate Pass Management – How does it function?

Source: Cogent

Material management system has a specific process it follows that helps it trail materials that are in transit efficiently.

  • The first step has to do with the request. Here based on the user setup a request is made to the system. The employee who makes the gate pass request is called the requester. The time of expiry of the request, printing of gate pass, the authorisations can be configured to fit the needs depending on requirement or demand.
  • Approval stage is the next stage, and here the consent of the employee is needed before the material gate pass can be processed. This stage of approval can consist of almost three levels depending on the circumstances or requirement. The approver’s requirement can be based on the material type, department, and value.
  • The next stage is the dispatch stage, and it is where the material is sent to its destination outside the organization via the dispatch or security desk. Different levels of the dispatch stage could be created at various levels by the admin.
  • The last stage of the process is the return stage. The return acceptance is the final stage of the procedure. The return stage could comprise the nonreturnable dispatch, partially returnable dispatch, and completely returnable dispatch.

Material management is very important. It offers various things to the organization as it helps the organization keep proper inventory of stock that goes in and out of the organization. Asides from that it could be used to record the number of visitors and vehicles that come into the organization. It makes sure all the materials leaving the facility to have the right authorisation to do so which would usually not have been possible if done manually.

The system has the facility to send mail messages to the appropriate departments when good leave or enter the facility, how long the pass would last also provided by the system, be it a day or five days.

Organisations can work smarter if they adopt effective tracking of stock and inventory using material gate pass management system.
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