Categories: World

Two people are killed in Kohat district of NWFP Pakistan


Noman son of Adil resident of Sheikhan village of Kohat is killed, his father Mr. Adil in his first information report registered in police station Jungle Khel Kohat district of NWFP Pakistan, has mentioned that yesterday night around eight o’clock, accused Iqbal son of Younus and accused Afnan son of Ajab Gul have opened fire with fire arms at deceased Noman Adil because of a dispute over woman, both accused killers have escaped after committing the crime, police is searching to arrest the accused killers. “Deseased Noman was a college student and had got a crush on his village girl, she also responded positively and both had escaped together to get married, annoyed family members of the girl had opened fire with Klashinkove on deceased Noman, he was killed at the spot, real killer is Ishfaq brother of Afnan but in first information report Afnan is mentioned as accused killer by the father of Noman,” a policeman  from Sheikhan village has said.  

Meanwhile a Laborer Zafar Iqbal is accidently killed today, he was working on seventh story of a plant erected by a private company in Kohat Cement Factory, while working on seventh story of the plant laborer Zafar Iqbal was fallen to the ground,  deceased Zafar Iqbal was resident of Sargodha district of Punjab Pakistan.

Submitted by

Abdur Raziq

Abdur Raziq: My qualification is M.phil US Study (International Relation-History), since long I am contributing to Pakistan's English dailies. In 1988 I came to USA to study US Election Campaign, was awarded with Honorary Citizenship of Lincoln Nebraska USA, I had delivered lectures on US, British and Pakistan's constitution in a law college for seven years, have worked as Principal of a college of education for three years, have worked in International Organization for Migration as Asisstant Voter Education Officer during Afghan Presidential elections, have also worked as Researcher and Provincial Coordinator in Governance Institutions Network International Islamabad Pakistan. I am also a regular contributor to Associated Press of Pakistan, and AFP.
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