U.S. Serial Wildfires: Foreign Trade Agreements And Corporate Profit The Cause?

As one who was a resident and citizen of a Southwestern border state for over 45 years, it has amazed me the past five just how many claimed "wildfires" have occurred in the desert and Western regions as of late.

Especially since, although these areas do have a higher than normal fire danger due to climatory reasons alone and a drought that has gone on now for over ten years, fires in these areas are not at all unusual. 

But what has been unusual is the length of time it has taken to get them both under control, and also their frequency. 

In times past, local volunteers from those mostly rural areas had most of such fires out and under control within a matter of hours or days.  Even some of those started by lightening or other natural causes.  And without all the supposed "science based technology" and chemicals we now have today.  And suffered far fewer loss of life of those that fought those fires, even without the protective equipment we now have today.

Now instead of culling and clear cutting dangerously overgrown acreages, we have "controlled burns," which actually leave those acreages baron and prevent new tree growth for literally decades due to the high ash content then of the soil.

It appears to me that maybe some of these wildfires are purposely set, and there is an agenda here being used in order to affect both the price of lumber and timber in this country, appease the left wing radical element and their agendas and mistaken "environmentalism" causes which have then resulted in more and more loss of mature trees and wildlife as a result, and honor our "free trade" agreement in which the only part of "free" that appears to be the agenda is "free" foreign aid to other nations at the American taxpayers expense in both jobs, and escalating costs and taxation. 

We do have such agreements for Canadian lumber also, although have more than enough timber in this country to provide for our own needs without also outsourcing those jobs and need for timber for housing, paper or fundamental uses. 

A renewal product, at that, is being outsourced in order to build bridges between nations, while stripping this countries citizens of self-sufficiency, jobs and one of our own historic export bases in the process.

The reasons for some of these fires now also have become too incredible to believe.  One supposedly from a hedgetrimmer.  The last one from a group of marijuana growers in the desolute areas of California, when most of that product is brought through the open desert border areas and grown in Mexico, not the U.S., at all due to its more temperate tropical climates more favorable to growing the Mexican Gold for which they have become famous since the 1960’s era.

A check of such disasters in this area shows that they are occurring far more frequently, destroying far more acreage, and also burning far hotter and longer than in previous generations.  And yet the cyclical climate changes which have occurred have not at all change in the slightest with the droughts in prior years historically far more widespread, and with far less "fire safety" technology than in past years in camping and wildlife areas.

And their increases then fundamentally might just be another of those "agricultural" market manipulations in which Uncle Sam has now progressively injected itself in such as farm subsidies and the like in order to control and manipulate the trade and market for now this vital industry.  And its pricing as a bonus for their industry executives and supporters.

And as a stimulusand gain also for that claimed "bankrupted" state, California (the state most profiting from the domestic spying program and War in Iraq, however) in a little more revenue for its historic liberalism and excessive extra-Constitutional focuses. 

The same agendas which have resulted in the market speaking loud and clear on Calfornia.  While they take in more "foreigners" from other countries than many other states in this country, they lose more and more "domestic" natural and naturalized citizens each and every year with the result that more leave the State of California than resettle there, and even less and less visit that state for vacations or holidays each and every year.

Due to the fact that it now also takes a credit card or loan simply to take a family of four to Disneyland, or pay the added tourism taxes there for hotels, meals or the like.  The OC has priced itself out of the market for the majority of Americans, and appears that it hasn’t gotten the message, but now expects a "bail out" from the farmers in Kansas, and unemployed loggers in Oregon.



Betsy Ross: Betsy Ross is an American Constitutional Conserve-ative, former legal professional and long term resident of Phoenix, Arizona and writes on U.S. federal and state issues aimed with a Constitutional perspective on the blog, www.backupamerica.org.
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