When we go to the University work-shops or Seminars there we would certainly find tea-break with snacks and lunch break with variety of food items that we often do not savour in our every day meals. So, whenever a Seminar or work-shop invitation is sent to University intellectuals and Scholors they would first search wheather there is lunch-break in the programme, or not. If it is found, then their busy academic or administrative schedules would get automatically changed and they deliberately make it convenient to attend the programme by skipping all important official works and duties.
In past University Seminars and work-shops were truly academic and research oriented, intended to find out new solutions for socio-political, administrative, and technological problems, or to put the new concepts before the intellectuals for wider debates to disscuss on pros and cons on adopting the new concepts on a particular issue or problem with new inventions/solutions. But today, the situation is has changed in many universities or research institutions around the world. The University Seminars or work-shops have become budget-spending and budget devouring events with no practical fruitful purpose for which they are intended. This could be vouched, if you invite any academic intellectual or scholor to a Seminar or work-ship, with no column of lunch-break in your invitation, then the turn out will be very very poor for the event. For example, if you have invited 100 persons, hardly 20 to 25 would attend the Seminars sans lunch-break.
But this does not mean that the academic intellectuals or scholors would so sincerely spend their time in a Seminar with great academic zeal, even if lunch with varieties of food items are provided. The Seminar or work-shop invitation if have luch-break column in it, there would be heavy turn out in the morning session i.e. pre-lunch session. But after the lunch break is over two thirds of participants would disappear from the Seminar hall telling cock and bull reasons for the Seminar organisors or in many occassions by not mentioning any thing to the organisors. This is the scenario that no one would deny, if they are regular invitees or participants in the University Seminars or work shops.
That means, we can clearly state without mincing words, quite a good majority of present day so-called intellectuals and scholors would attend the seminars and work-shops with a zeal to eat varieties of food items but not with sincere interest to participate in the debats on the issues. Budget frauds would also often found in these Seminars and work shops. The organizers would show heavy expenditure in the accounts, for providing the food and for travel reimbursements to the participants than what they have really spent and draw huge amount from planned budgets. So in that way the present day seminars or work-shops have become events for tasting variety of food items in lunch-break and for drawing huge amounts from the budget rather than events for real academic debates. By dchaitanya.
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