Five rebel MP’s from Congress have publicly announced that they are going to vote against the UPA Government in the upcoming confidence vote.
Currently, the backbone for the Support of the UPA Government is the Samajwadi Party with a number of 39 MP’s in the Parliament out of 543 MP’s.
UPA Government seems to have support of 264 members out of which 153 are their own MP’s. The Opposition has the total number of 262 number support against the UPA Government.
Moreover, 17 MP’s are still constant in their decision to support or not to support the UPA Government.
Out of 264 supporting members for the Congress government, 22 members seems to be join the Opposition while the Confidence Voting is going on 22nd.
If this happens, the four year old UPA Governemnt is fell down and new path for the Changing Politics is going to happen. Unstability seems to form a new Government, as the left parties never support the BJP party to form the National Government.