Three New Restaurants on Columbus Ave in the 80s:
A few months ago I badgered my friends to accept my invites to UpNext, which is a 3D map of Manhattan that shows nearly every listing on the island from copy centers to senior citizen lounges in stuyvestant town.
Tonight I saw there were upgrades to UpNext and realized I hadn’t been back to in a while, but even after being obsessed with the grid for nearly 2 years from my perch on the UWS this is still the best orientation tool. Instead of using the limited view in Facebook I thought I’d go full screen, and though I usually use UpNext to figure out the labyrinth of downtown, tonight I saw the new stars shining brightly on the UpperWestSide.
What are the other two restaurants? In addition to Eighty One which I haven’t yet been to, Pinch, which I knew was moving from Rose Hill where I work on Park Ave copied a mass market restaurant innovation that I happen to know quite well. In its new home Pinch has done for locally grown comfort food groups what Yum! Brands did for fast food groups: they combined its usual customized pizza barges with customized mac and cheese pots through a merger with the East Village’s S’mac (same link as 3 lines up if you missed it) ….