US and NATO playing a very dangerous game with Russia in Europe

A US F-16 loaded for bear with weapons including 500 pound bombs and air to air cruise missiles patrol the skies in Poland, near the Russian boarder. Just one of a dozen or more taking part in “war games” in Poland in March 2014. Such actions only increase tensions in the region and increase the likelihood of war between Russia and the United States – should intentions be misinterpreted as a act of aggression on either side.

According to RT news, top officials in Russia are demanding to know why NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) is rapidly expanding its military presence in Eastern Europe.

“We have addressed questions to the North Atlantic military alliance. We are not only expecting answers, but answers that will be based fully on respect for the rules we agreed on,” said Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov.

Lavrov’s statement came after the NATO chief, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, said the bloc will deploy thousands of troops to Eastern Europe.

According to him, NATO is considering “revised operational plans, military maneuvers and adequate troop reinforcements.”

Rasmussen denied that NATO was violating the 1997 treaty on NATO-Russian cooperation by boosting its forces in Eastern Europe.

“Obviously this is in response to the Russian military incursion and annexation of Crimea”, said a source in NATO which asked that they not be named in this report.

“US warships have recently extended their presence in the Black Sea several times,” he said, “This extension didn’t always obey the rules of the Montreux Convention”, said Lavrov

In addition the US military has deploys fighter jets in Poland and Lithuania.

On March 11, 2014 NATO started air drills close to Ukraine’s borders. At least 12 US F-16 fighter jets and 300 personnel were involved in those “war games” according to reports. That follows a decision made by the US last month to send a KC-135 aerial refueling plane and six F-15 fighter jets to Lithuania to bolster NATO’ air patrol over Baltic airspace.

Baltic allies it seems have requested the military assistance amid a growing standoff between Ukraine and Russia on the Crimean Peninsula.

In addition USS Truxton, with a crew of about 300, is an Arleigh Burke class destroyer equipped with the Aegis combat system, which integrates the ship’s radar, sensors and missile weapons to engage anti-ship missile threats has moved into the Black Sea…

The warship is part of the USS George W. Bush Carrier Strike Group currently stationed in Greece.

See article: US Navy Extends USS Truxtun Mission In Black Sea http://www.novinite.com/articles/159488/US+Navy+Extends+USS+Truxtun+Mission+In+Black+Sea

Such actions are viewed as “provocations” by the Russians which has increased the readiness of its military, naval, air and strategic nuclear forces in preparation of a possible “preemptive” military strike by the United States or its NATO allies.

Most recently a NATO AWACS (Airborne Warning and Control Systems) aircraft takes-off for a flight to Poland from the AWACS air base in Geilenkirchen near the German-Dutch border April 2, 2014, apparently monitoring activities near the Russian boarder.

The Pentagon refused comment in this matter.

In my mind NATO and the United States is playing a very dangerous game right now considering Russia is a nuclear power with the second largest military in the world (second only to the United States in terms of military power).

Underscoring just how serious this situation is – Russia has already stated that it reserves the right to respond with nuclear weapons if attacked (source:  https://groundreport.com/russia-reserves-the-right-to-respond-with-nuclear-weapons-if-attacked/).

See also: US engages in economic warfare against Russia https://groundreport.com/us-engages-in-economic-warfare-against-russia/

Justin A: Learn more about me here:

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