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US arms and NATO ammunition boxes discovered in Ukraine

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, background left, inspects a Ukrainian military base close to Slovyansk. He is surrounded by Ukrainian Special forces many armed with state of the art weapons manufactured in the US.

According to Donetsk People’s Republic’s forces, ammunition designed for NATO countries had been found in Ukraine.

“These types of ammunition are designed for NATO countries. One of them [devices] is equipped with a base fuse. For instance, when this type of ammunition hits the wall, it blasts and destroys it [wall]. The Ukrainian forces do not have this type of ammunition,” Deputy Donetsk Militia Commander Eduard Basurin said Tuesday.

DPR authorities have repeatedly claimed finding US-made weapons in the Donetsk Airport, previously occupied by the Ukrainian military. On January 19, Basurin said that DPR forces had found “large quantities of US-made weapons, including M16-A5 assault rifles, grenades and communication devices. ”

This is a possible indication that the US lethal aid is beginning to filter into the conflict in Ukraine and are now being used to kill people.

See related report: US shifts stance on lethal aid http://www.cnn.com/2015/02/02/politics/us-ukraine-lethal-aid/

See video: Ukraine Lethal Aid On Table. 20 Nov 2014 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhLs3iNrEkk





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