US lacks a comprehensive “Counter Unconventional Warfare” strategy according to report

Hybrid warfare is a military strategy that blends conventional warfare, irregular warfare and cyberwarfare. Pictured here: US Special operations troops training for a future unconventional war with a stateless enemy.

The U.S. Army Special Operations Command (USASOC) released a white paper report recently, titled “Counter-Unconventional Warfare (Counter-UW).” This white paper argues that the United States requires,  a credible strategic-level ability to interdict and counter external sponsorships of insurgent and separatist movements. Examples of Counter -UW include that used in the Ukraine by Russia using thousands of irregular troops which invaded that country and annexed Crimea without a formal declaration of war.

Hybrid warfare is a military strategy that blends conventional warfare, irregular warfare and cyberwarfare.

In addition, hybrid warfare is used to describe attacks by nuclear, biological and chemical weapons, improvised explosive devices and information warfare.

This approach to conflicts, is a potent, complex variation of warfare. Hybrid warfare can be used to describe the flexible and complex dynamics of the battlespace requiring a highly adaptable and resilient response. counter UW, to a large degree is about responding to the increased use of hybrid warfare.

Counter-UW requires a government wide approach and a comprehensive and integrated pursuit of political warfare, including such things as the use of economic sanctions, diplomacy, the use of surrogates, conventional and special operations troops and law enforcement support to partner nations, and strategic communication and information operations.

The US lacks a strategic-level national counter-UW capability, many argue. The fix may require congressional action and resolve to fix. Unfortunately the US is a house divided in Congress between Republicans and Democrats. The  alternative—is to just allow our adversaries strategic advantage through the unopposed use of surrogates and proxies.

In addition we are noting a new trend among non-state actors , I. e Sunni Jihadi extremists claiming a boundless Islamic state now seek to overthrow legitimate governments, local administrations and social political structures across a large are from eastern Syria to northwestern Iraq, replacing them with unelected Muslim caliphates.

The Pentagon refused comment on this story.

See related video: Hybrid war – hybrid response? (NATO Review)  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ferbM4hqkUA

See video: Reverse asymmetric warfare https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8OcLNZZ69dk&index=4&list=PLU4405MNpnNG2W7BlYuUfDr0VB9fO0iD2

See video: Iranian Navy asymmetric warfare tactics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_MfuGw_ynY&index=17&list=PLU4405MNpnNG2W7BlYuUfDr0VB9fO0iD2

Note: “War is a matter of life or death” – Sun Tzu  Art of War.

The Art of War is one of the oldest and most successful books on military strategy in the world. It has been described as the original manuals of hybrid and asymmetric warfare strategy going back thousands of years. Understand the Art of War lessons and you will be victorious – ignore them and you “fight in darkness” Sun Tzu.

See video: Sun Tzu Art of War  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMNaULHLH9c


Justin A: Learn more about me here:

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