“US not really serious about fighting ISIL” says top Iranian military commander

“We haven’t seen any determination and resolve on the side of the Americans and in their coalition in the war on ISIL,” Gen. Safavi said, addressing IRGC officials and forces in the Central city of Isfahan today.

Iran has been very critical of what it sees as disastrous US foreign policy decisions that is promoting instability in the region. It is particularly critical of US funding and support of terrorist groups in Syria like ISIL. al-Nursa and al-Qaeda.

Recently a top level Iranian military commander voiced his concerns about this issue:

“The US administration and military commanders are not serious about fighting the terrorist groups, especially the ISIL”, a top military aide to the Iranian Supreme Leader Major General Yahya Rahim Safavi said Sunday to a crowded room of reporters and press agents.

“We haven’t seen any determination and resolve on the side of the Americans and in their coalition (partners) in the war on ISIL,” Safavi said, addressing IRGC officials and forces in the Central city of Isfahan today.

Remember Gen. Safavi is a expert in military strategy and unconventional warfare tactics.

Safavi ridiculed the US for not only being “ignorant in fighting the ISIL”, but also “supporting the terrorist group.”

See video: Busted! U.S. Trained ISIS At Secret Jordan Base!  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qu0YtkHRBWg

That ISIS was supported by the US is a fact without doubt and was confirmed recently by Retired General Thomas McInerney, who admitted as much on live TV.

McInerney  is a retired, highly decorated United States Air Force Lieutenant General, who served in top military positions and reported directly to the Secretary of Defense and to the Vice President of the United States.

See video: Retired General McInerney Says U.S. Helped Build ISIL https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8kKCCnOm1Y

In 2014 Senator Rand Paul confirmed in statements made on the Senate floor that the US sent over “600 tons of weapons to Syria” in support of rebels – many of whom are indistinguishable from terrorists.

See video: Sen. Rand Paul Argues Against U.S. Arming Syrian Rebels on Senate Floor – September 18, 2014 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DveDwEk122Y




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