Uses of Flashlight – Why and How can help a Flashlight

In the age of the smartphone, it is easy to forget just how essential more “basic” tools like the flashlight can be. Though they can’t play games or connect to the internet, the trusty flashlight should never be forgotten or overlooked; in a pinch, you will be glad to have it by your side. This list discusses nine great uses for your faithful flashlight.

Anyone who has ever been camping will tell you that the flashlight is perhaps one of the most essential tools; to take on any camping trip, and you will find it has innumerable different uses in this situation. Whilst obviously a flashlight will be one of very few sources of light in your tent once the sun goes down, you will also find that it can be unbelievably useful when it comes to fetching water in the dark or going to the bathroom at night. If you arrive late into the evening and have to put up your tent, you will really struggle to do it without the help of a flashlight or two.

image: pixabay.com

There are all numbers of possible camping scenarios which would be a hundred times more difficult without a flashlight. You simply must bring one with you.

Emergency Situation

Though it is not something one likes to think about; in the case of an emergency you and your loved ones will be incredibly grateful for your flashlight. In the event of a fire, the glare of a flashlight could be the difference between life and death. Specially, when it comes to traversing through thick noxious smoke. Likewise, if a hiking, climbing or caving expedition goes badly, a bright best tactical flashlight would help alert others – including the emergency services – to your position. Make sure that you never underestimate the usefulness of a flashlight when it comes to emergency situations.

Evening Walks

A far more pleasant topic than the one above; there is nothing more exciting or atmospheric than a walk in the dark. And a flashlight is an essential part of this. Not only do they illuminate the path ahead, helping you to avoid trip hazards and so on. But it also helps to create a cozy and safe walking experience, helping you to feel safer and more empowered; especially whilst walking in areas with no street lights.

Self Defense

Though something you will hopefully never have to experience, flashlights can actually be surprisingly useful when it comes to self-defense. As well as allowing you to identify any threats who may be using the cover of darkness to their advantage, the mere presence of your flashlight may be enough to act as a deterrent. If, however, you were to be threatened, shining your light into the eyes of an attacker would dazzle them momentarily, hopefully giving you enough of a chance to escape the situation. Furthermore, if it really came down to it you could use your flashlight as an improvised weapon.

Music Festivals

Much which will also be relevant to this point is covered in the “Camping” section above. But flashlights can be so essential at music festivals that they deserve a point all to themselves. Anyone who has ever been to a music festival will tell you that they can get rather wild and chaotic, especially at night, so having a flashlight with you can be a real blessing. As well as illuminating your path, you will be able to easily spot your tent amongst a field of the energetic and bustling confusion, and can even quickly signal your location to your friends.

Power outage

During a power outage a flashlight is the single most important item to have. Not only to act as a beacon to your loved ones, but also to help you navigate your way around – even your own home can feel surprisingly alien from the darkness. Your flashlight will not only help you gather all of your loved ones together, with some helpful power outage supplies. It also help you to find other essentials such as candles and other light sources. Obviously, during a power outage there is no electricity, which means the wifi, television and so on will be out of action. This means you will have to rely on more traditional forms of entertainment, all of which can be enhanced with a flashlight. Scary story, anyone?

Fun and Game

Following on from the point above, there are a number of really fun games you can play with flashlights; all of which are sure to entertain any young (or young at heart) people in your life. Traditional games such as capture the flag or hide-and-go-seek can be made even more exciting by playing them in the dark with flashlights. You could even use the flashlight as a spotlight and shine it on others to “catch” them, or use the flashlight to create shadow puppets to put on a puppet show. Not to mention the fun that can be had watching your cat chasing after a beam of light. The only limit is your imagination.

General Every Day Uses

There are all kinds of everyday activities which can be made immensely more simple with the addition of a flashlight. If, for some reason, you are coming back late from work; a flashlight will make your walk both safer and easier. And the same can be said for putting the trash out in the dark, and many other similar situations. Flashlights can also make searching for things much easier especially when looking in darker places. Such as under your bed, in the trunk of the car, in the attic, and even in a bag!


As this list has shown, the uses of flashlights really are endless. And there are very few situations where having a flashlight in reserve is not going to be a sensible idea. From serious situations like emergencies and self-defense; to pleasurable activities like games, camping and evening walks, you will always find that a flashlight comes in incredibly handy.

itmehedi: I passed as a Mechanical Engineer last year(2015). But my main introduction could be like this: I am an Entrepreneur, blogger and part time freelancer.

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