The recent insightful observations of the former BBC Chief Mark Tully directly point to ‘Sonia is the problem’  for the parlous state of India today; rampant corruption, the engulfing China threat to India, India’s diminished regional role in South Asia, threat to the Indian Ocean sea lanes critical to India’s survival and debased political debate nurturing unhealthy divisiveness in the Indian polity. How aghast will readers be as this writer is on viewing the “INDIA’s TOP 10 CORRUPT DIRTY POLITICIANS” – YouTube 12 August 2011, report. Corruption in India is the top most risk that needs urgent and drastic redress action to save all Indians and India. To expect that the UPA2/Congress will honestly address this monstrous corruption risk is unrealistic when most of the UPA2/Congress leaders are listed amongst the top 10 corrupt dirty politicians
The thriving corruption cult in DELHI/India today has rightly earned for it the pithy label ‘kollaiveri’ or plunder rage, (Groundreport of 10 January 2012). That the ‘kollaiveri’ or plunder rage is most endemic at the top political hierarchy in Delhi makes initiatives to redress the corruption epidemic all the more difficult. The culprit is political interference; readers would have watched how the UPA2/Congress strove to delay action against Raja and Kanimozhi of the 2g fame.  The debilitating level of corruption in Delhi deprives every Indian of what is effectively theirs. What is plundered by powerful politicians is unlikely to be honestly applied to ‘development’ to produce a more prosperous India with more Indians benefitting instead of the few plunderers.   It is only natural that the corrupt in UPA2/Congress regime Instead of directing efforts to end corruption would resort to extraordinary action to protect the corrupt. This is most evident in the UPA2/Congress charade when after dragging it screaming to produce a sort of Lokpal bill, it only offered a lame and toothless Lokpal bill that suffered a quick demise at the Rajya Sabha sessions in December 2011. Anna’s Lokpal legislation is still the key in any crusade against corruption in India.
The Indian public/voter expects  honest and decisive action to curb the corruption epidemic from spreading any further but this will not occur as long as the leadership of the UPA2/Congress  with a vested interest in corruption also serves as the guardian angel of the ‘top corrupt’ in Delhi. The Indian voter has the power to act and that at the next general elections; however the politically crucial UP assembly elections could set the pace to initiate steps to redress provided the voters in UP diligently vote against the corrupt crowd for the good of India. Most Indian voters were normally apathetic but the corruption is grave enough today that they have to act decisively now to end this crisis before it engulfs India. 
For his ‘Sonia is the problem’ observation Mark Tully’s attributes this to ‘too much influence … (usurped by and is) with Sonia when it should lie in the Prime Minister’s Office’ and at the ‘…the Centre, most people are not grassroot level politicians….’  Under these conditions the serious damage that rampant corruption causes will continue as long as the UPA2/Congress evades the key Mahatma’s legacy that political office holders be spotlessly clean.  Mahatma and the founders of ‘independent India’, the authentic Gandhites (not those whose names have a Gandhi suffix) would not have expected their progeny to resort to bare faced efforts to protect the corrupt and perpetuate a naked ‘dynastic rule’ intent on power in Delhi; usurping the powers from the office of the PM and exercising those powers without any checks and balances to evade accountability for major policy failures. This reduced Singh to a lame duck PM; unable to act against the corrupt or errant top politicians once Sonia and her family had effectively usurped the PM Office’s powers to act claiming that dealing with errant Congressmen whether ministers or others fell within the purview of the party (Congress) President. PM Singh mourned over this and his inability to act gave vague explanations merely to stay in office and accumulating all the negative points for ‘weak’ and, ‘indecisive’ leadership in preparation for his departure from the political scene once the Sonia call comes. How effectively could Singh perform his PM role in these conditions being an unelected holding the PM office? He thus is carrying the blame for Delhi’s failures on behalf the UPA2/Congress allowing the Sonia leadership to keep their record unblemished though exercising part of the PM’s powers and hence could afford to ‘stay aloof from grassroots’ (Mark Tully).
Sonia inducted Priyanka Vadra into the UP election campaign ignoring Priyanka’s conspicuous absence (‘stayed aloof from grassroots’ – Mark Tully) from Rae Bareli since 2009 expecting the apathetic Rae Bareli/UP voter to forget fast the background for her absence from Rae Bareli.  The Sonia family avoided embarrassment over the speed with which Vadra, Priyanka’s husband amassed wealth to become a billionaire (net worth $2.1 billion) after his marriage to Priyanka. Vadra who originally owned Artex a small company exporting artificial jewellery is now involved in numerous business ventures including Unitec that is in the centre of the high profile 2g spectrum scam. (Is this the Sonia family’s connection to the 2g affair?). NDTV on 16 January 2012. referred to the conspicuous absence of Priyanka from UP  (After a long break , Congress chief Sonia Gandhi ‘s daughter Priyanka Vadra was back in Amethi on Monday to supplement brother Rahul’s efforts in mobilizing votes for the Congress ahead of elections in politically crucial UP..” This is dynastic succession in action.
To throw in Priyanka an absentee Congress politicians to be in the vanguard of the campaign in UP highlights Rahul’s inability to make an impact in UP electorally and the Sonia family’s strong belief that dynastic loyalties have  ‘too much influence’ (Tully) or appeal electorally to counter any mass discontent be it mass corruption or any other major policy failure. Anna’s anti corruption movement is bound to gather momentum during the election campaign. In fact the UP assembly election is evolving into referendum on the Sonia UPA2/Congress rule that carries the hallmarks of deep-set corruption, power craze, confrontational style of politics, unfair use of state instrumentalities to disadvantage the opposition and dissent, craving for dynastic succession and even creating dissension amongst the top Congress leadership to kill off any alternative PM candidate to Rahul from emerging- a classic Sonia dynastic succession rule in action.  All these issues though crucial do not surface much in public debate thanks to a meek media and the capacity of those campaigning for the Sonia UPA2/Congress to  create enough trivial  diversionary issues to take attention away from the massive corruption against which  the Lokpal tide is creating waves in UP.  
 Will the Indian voters in UP as patriotic Indians like the Biharis and TN Tamilians also vote to rid Delhi/India of the evil corrupt cult of the UPA2/Congress?  Readers’ attention is drawn to a piece “The choice for Indians – the phony mafia UPA2/Congress verses the historic  glory of the Mahatma Congress..’ (Groundreport 02, December 2011). This piece examines the attitude of the UPA2/Congress in the face of a national calamity, the spreading corruption epidemic threatening the whole of India. Morally Sonia UPA2/Congress has forfeited all rights to claim a Gandhian lineage that demands rulers to be pre-eminently clean, also morally the Sonia UPA2/Congress with a stranglehold on the Mahatma Congress as an organization acts and speaks the language of a phony not the authentic Mahatma Congress.  Once voters see through this distinction it will be doomsday for UPA2 /Congress.
The UPA2/Congress also went to the TN and Bihar electorates carrying its massive corrupt/deals baggage accumulated from Rajiv’s Bofors scam and  grown robustly under the UPA2/Congress rule to produce a series of scams,  amongst others the 2G, CWG and whole list of other scams that earned for it notoriety for plundering public assets. UP voters are bound to vote with anger over the UPA2/Congress top leadership’s attempts to camouflage such a notorious corruption record  with fads and not seriously acting  to remedy its failures/misdeeds. The TN electors acted wisely enough with the UPA2/Congress failing miserably to cheat the TN electors. Indians,  India-wide are looking up to the voters of UP, the biggest state and politically the most powerful with the power to alter the course of events acting as real patriots to end this corruption menace by rejecting the UPA2/Congress in the forthcoming UP assembly elections. 
The UPA2/Congress corruption/deals cult has wider ramifications. It nurtured in the UPA2/Congress a haughty confrontational approach (its official spokesmen’s belligerent style of even belittling an Anna Hazare) to political debate especially against those struggling against the corruption malice. An authentic Mahatma Congress regime would scrupulously have avoided such hurtful conduct. Yet the UPA2/Congress posters have a Mahatma in the background with Sonia in the middle flanked by Rahul and Priyanka. This is a cynical abuse of the Mahatma’s lineage for cheap political advantage by non- practitioners.
UPA2/Congress inaction against the corrupt is accompanied by inaction against those who have illicit funds stashed in banks overseas. Without the corrupt culture those funds would have flowed in normal course to fund ‘development’ benefitting all Indians.  Rahul’s development call sounds hollow and insincere; with UPA2/Congress’ inaction. Accountability requires Sonia UPA2/Congress to publish and or take action against those in the list holding funds overseas, but it has  scrupulously avoided taking any such action and the reasons that its official spokesmen trot out sound  totally incredible. Only Lokpal extending the scope of its campaign to cover these illicit funds issue would be the answer.  When massive amounts in overseas banks, the where withal for ‘development’ are locked up and away? it is cynical that Rahul vociferously claims that only the Sonia UPA2/Congress agenda unlike that of the opposition is serious about ‘development’. How much more dubious could the UPA2/Congress ‘development’ promise be?  Development is a must to alleviate the grinding poverty of majority of Indian especially those in UP. Analysts point to the inaction and the stilled silence of Sonia UPA2/Congress on these issues as anti-development’; acts to protect the corrupt.
The corruption culture that began with Bofors and Rajiv’s mercenary Indo-SL Accord of the 1980’s led to the genocide of the Tamils in Eelam and the Mullivaykal massacres. Sonia’s Delhi junta in delivering on Rajiv’s mercenary commitment to eliminate the Tamil rebels contributed to the massacres and their continuing suffering once the protective umbrella that the rebels provided was destroyed thanks to Sonia Congress junta. Sonia’s ‘in the loop (Gothabhaya Rajapakse) Delhi trio’ played a crucial role in destroying that community. The amount of homage that Krishna pays to the Rajapakses  as most Delhi delegations do is not out of concern for the Tamils earmarked under the determined Rajapakses’ final  genocide assault  to demographically  eliminate the Tamil identity in SL for all times. Krishna’s recent make believe statements during the trip to SL is to save SL from the UNHRC crimes debate in March 2012 and the Sonia ‘in the loop’ South Block trio involved in the Mullivaykal massacres. The South Block is a mafia like outfit serving the mafia Sonia junta which is most aware that Gothabhaya who on receiving the news of the massacres immediately went public on the Delhi ‘in the loop’ trio hint openly but in private warned Delhi that it will not hesitate to implicate the Delhi trio in the SL’s crimes. Hence Delhi’s pre-emptive defensive (Krishna’s) acts are motivated by DELHI MORE ALARMED THAN COLOMBO OVER MULLIVAYKAL (M’KAL) NASSACRES AND SRI LANKA (SL) WAR CRIMES; A RE-RUN- Ground report of December August 07, 2011

The Krishna’s trip, South Block instigated was under instructions to deliver glowing statements on SL’s LLRC, SL’s reconstruction works (though pathetic), discussions on the 13th Amendment devolution and SL-TNA talks. Gothabhaya repudiated within 24 hours Krishna’s claim that the President committed to implement the 13th amendment plus. There was nil progress on a political solution to the Tamil grievances. This point to his role more  as the spokesperson for the Rajapakses and Delhi South Block trio purely to mislead the international community to hijack progress on the UNHRC initiatives which remain the victims only hope for survival. Please see THE UNHRC – THE LAST REFUGE FOR EELAM TAMILS! …’Groundreport.com of September 24 , 2011.
 For dashing Tamil only hope Krishna’s timing of the Colombo visit re-inforces Tamil fears of Delhi’s continued support for the SL genocide now actively on the diplomatic front to save the Rajapakses from UNHRC pressures on accountability in March 2012 and thus deprive the only remaining umbrella/refuge for the victims.  The Tamils’ fears of the Delhi’s hidden agenda is outlined in the  September , 09, 2011 ground report (DELHI’S CAMPAIFN TO SAVE SRI LANKA FROM ITS GENOCIDE CRIMES CHARGES ONLY TO SAVE THE RAJAPAKSES OR THE DELHI SONIA JUNTA AS WELL.) are reinforced  by the actions of Krishna during his recent visit to SL. Krishna outclasses Shiv Shankar Menon is putting out totally misleading reports on the pitiable plight of the Tamils in SL.
The confrontational politics of the UPA2/Congress is also destructive to its coalition partners. It drove its coalition ally the DMK (not much more corrupt than the Congress) into exile by poaching on DMK’s regional vote winning base. In DMK’s case the South Block used Delhi’s inaction to demonstrate DMK’s incapacity to serve as champions of Tamils in Eelam or elsewhere. The astute Mamata Banerjee sensed from DMK’s experience, the risks inherent in partnering the Congress early enough that she pre-empted any UPA2/Congress move to usurp her party’s regional base to advantage the Congress. This is a warning to all parties seeking ties with the UPA2/Congress anywhere in India or UP.
On the misuse of state instrumentalities by Sonia/Narayanan junta; CBI was used domestically against the opposition where necessary domestically and RAW India’s intelligence to assist SL in defeating and ruthlessly destroying the Tamils to demographically advantage the Sinhala majority. Narayanan shared RAW’s logistics intelligence with the SL intelligence who also worked closely with ISI of Pakistan. This act back-fired; belated reports widely circulating point to the ingratitude of the SL intelligence that leaked RAW’s logistics intelligence to ISI who used it to identify the security surveillance gaps in the Bombay front for the ISI agents/terrorists to launch the audacious 9/11 attack on Bombay that killed 164 people (151 were from 11 different countries) and wounding more than 308 others.    (Boston Globe of 28 November 2008) That attack was possible once the RAW’s surveillance cover for Bombay front was surreptitiously moved away to the battle zone in North SL to provide logistic intelligence for the SL forces. Sonia junta Narayanan escaped accountability for such a security lapse simply because he was a key South Block Sonia loyalist. He was rewarded for the lapse with a governorship instead.  
Other ramifications of Delhi’s pro-SL anti-Tamil South Block strategy is in totally eliminating the Tamil rebels (Delhi’s leverage) freeing SL from dependence on Delhi. Following this SL cheekily allowed China a firm foothold in SL causing Delhi much distress.  The China factor haunts Indo-SL relations to receive SL’s taunts by locking out Delhi from talks to resolve the Tamil issue and repudiating its commitments under the 1987 Indo-SL Accord. Yet SL cheekily pins Delhi down strongly to its agreement on Katchchativu with  the South Block Delhi unpatriotically  supporting  SL’s position publicly. As long as the Tamil rebels had the upper hand SL in the battlefront Colombo sought to appease Delhi all the time but now snubs Delhi over the Tamil issue and Indo-SL Accord devolution package. Though as recently as January 2012, President Rajapakse re-committed to Krishna to deliver on the 13th amendment plus package within 24 hours of Krishna’s departure from Colombo his brother Gothabhaya repudiates that promise. Is SL playing games on Delhi? Delhi having lost its Tamil rebels leverage allowed Colombo the upper hand to  brandish its more powerful ‘in the loop’ Delhi lever effectively. Delhi faces the biggest logjam ever the humiliation of which it suffers silently.
The ‘in the loop’ lever is so powerful that Delhi also succumbs to the Rajapakse demands that Delhi openly supports SL in the international arena to stall progress  on measures in the UNHRC to hold SL accountable for genocide and war crimes. Following SL’s example now tiny Maldives are in talks with China on giving a base in Schelles to China without consultation with Delhi. How much Delhi’s regional power been diminished to humiliating levels needs those who engineered it accountable for it. China is close to mortally encircling India with its presence/bases close enough that the cost of countering the threat will be staggering. This will starve Delhi of funds that would flow to ‘development’ that Rahul vainly boasts about.
The stature of India as a power in the world scene does not deserve this fall that occurred during the UPA2/Congress years and voters in UP are sure to lead with a response appropriate to stop India’s further slide down the hill.
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