V Care organizes impressive debate on Present System of Education

“Present System of Education focuses more on scores rather than knowledge” an interactive debate competition on this burning topic was convened which was participated by students of various schools and organized by V Care NGO , An Initiative of Research, care and development in collaboration with Directorate of School Education Kashmir and co sponsored by Big 92.7 Media partners Kashmir Recorder ,Taza Tareen, Prism Creationz.
Some students spoke for the motion while some against and drew attention towards dark areas of education sector in Kashmir via their excellent speeches. Farooq Nazki Eminent Broadcaster dawned the occasion as Chief Guest and Dr.Shah Faisal Director School Education Kashmir as Guest Of Honour.Religious Scholar  Aijaz Kakroo, Riyaz Masroor Senior Journalist, Dr.Nida Yousuf Khan Divisional Head Women Harassment Cell Kashmir were the jury members.Professor Shaad Ramzan, Head of Department kashmiri Kashmir University, was also present on the occasion as guests of honour and threw light on the topic .
Samreen Geelani, General Secretary V Care and Masood Muntazar, Chairman V Care  delivered welcome address to esteemed guests and august gathering.
Suhail Lone of SP Higher Secondary bagged first position , Misbah Rehman of Nishat Higher Secondary school bagged second prize while Rohan of SP Higher Secondary School bagged third prize .
Two consolation prizes were also awarded.
Pertinently, Two teachers were also awarded on the occasion of National Education Day,Dilafroza Govt. Primary school Bandipora since her tenure as teacher in 2008 she has made remarkable achievements while as Mohammad Younis Malik Govt Middle School Qazigund Anantnag since 2010 for glorious contributions .They received award from Director Education Shah Faisal.
On this Special Occasion Prof Shaad Ramzan also facilitated Award Of Honour for excellent contribution in Literature.
Rameez Makhdoomi:
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