– by Laura Vidal
It seems that the Venezuelan government does not care much for Matt Groening’s show, “The Simpsons.” The American TV show, very popular for over ten years, was banned recently on one of Venezuela’s private networks by order of the government. Apparently some complaints were received at the government’s controlling agency for media because The Simpsons was being aired at 11 am. It seems strange that after decades of popularity, that this show could have any complaint in Venezuela. Nevertheless, the banning has come as breaking news and has become a scandal by public opinion, not only because of it happening so suddenly, but also because of its programming slot was substituted by Baywatch.
Actitud [es] says:
Los Simpson han sido considerados muy fuertes y por ende censurados en Venezuela. El tema es que por qué tomar esta decisión después de tanto tiempo de que existe la serie tan popular.
The Simpsons has been considered very rude and therefore, has been censured in Venezuela. The thing is why was this decision made after all this time, as this popular show has been on air for a long time.
From Argentina, with “Blogus”, an opinion comes more aggressively:
Ya está bien Chávez!, es increíble que te transformes en una ridícula y decadente caricatura de vos mismo, que todas las ideas socialistas se transformen en stalinistas, que los controles a la prensa sea casi igual a la censura empleada en regímenes dictatoriales. Ya está bien. Ya sabemos como latinoamericanos lo que pasa con los que se creen los salvadores del mundo; tarde o temprano la pagan. ¿No aprendiste la lección en el referendum que perdiste? No Chávez, Los Simpsons, no. ¿No te das cuenta que aunque el formato de familia que representan puede ser extrapolado a todas las familias occidentales, es más una crítica a la sociedad estadounidense? (…)Si vos querés que tu modelo de familia no sea el de Homer y compañía, dejá que la sociedad y los niños la comparen.
That’s enough Chavez! It is incredible that you transform yourself into a ridiculous and decadent cartoon on your own, that all Socialist ideas become Stalinists, that you control the press, just as it was censored during the dictatorial regimes. It is enough! We, as Latin Americans, know what happens with those that believe themselves to be the saviors of the world; they have to respond sooner or later. ¿Didn’t you learn the lesson with the referendum you lost? No, Chavez, not The Simpsons! Don’t you realize that what the show actually criticizes Western society? If you don’t want your family standards to be like Homer’s let society and kids decide.
The blog Noticias y entretenimiento [es] also responds:
El organismo de control televisivo del país asegura que la serie es “una mala influencia” para los menores.
Los niños venezolanos ya no podrán ver Los Simpson. El gobierno de Chávez ha obligado a retirar de la programación Televen, un canal privado de televisión, la mítica serie protagonizada por Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa y Maggie. La serie ya tiene sustituto, los musculosos socorristas enfundados en rojos bañadores de Los vigilantes de la playa. (O si… que buena influencia!!!)
The governmental institution that regulates the media assures us that the show “is a bad influence” to minors.
Venezuelan kids won’t be able to watch The Simpsons. Chavez’s government has forced them to withdraw Homer, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie away from Televen’s schedule (a private network). The show has already lined up a substitute: the fit bodied lifeguards in red wet suits of Baywatch (Oh! This is a good influence!)
Periodista digital [es] says:
El presidente venezolano ha vuelto a meter mano en la tele. Ahora, por el bien de los niños. Piensa que la serie es una “mala influencia para los niños” y ha decidido que los infantes se entretengan viendo los tremendos escotes de las vigilantes de la playa; una, “menos controvertida”.
The Venezuelan president has mettled with television, now for the kids’ sake. He thinks the show is a “bad influence for children” and has decided that kids should entertain themselves with incredible cleavages in Baywatch, a “less controversial” show.
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