Victory of the Judiciary in Pakistan

Islamabad, Pakistan: The sacked chief justice of Pakistan, Iftikhar Chaudhary, has been restored to his former position by the government.

The event was marked by a ceremonial flag-raising outside his house where hundreds of lawyers and activists from civil society gathered and celebrated the event.

Mr. Chaudhary and 60 other judges were dismissed by the former military dictator Pervaiz Musharraf in 2007.

His dismisal triggered the voilent protests accross the country and later on turned into a lawyers’ movement and the opposition parties also jumped into that.

The Pakistani premier Yousauf Raza Gilani said that the deposed judge Iftikhar chaudahry would return to his job after current chief justice Abdul hamid Doggar quit his job.

The federal government has also asked the supreme court to review the ruling that banned the former prime minister Nawaz Sharif and his brother Shahbaz Sharif from holding elected office.

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