November 4th marks one of the most pivotal presidential elections in US history.
By casting ballots, American voters– ok, the Electoral College– will determine the future course of the nation on issues like healthcare, nuclear power, abortion, the economy, education, social security and foreign policy.
But YouTube wants to take the democratic process a step further– by documenting voter experiences, and sharing them with the world. GroundReport is excited to take part in Video Your Vote, the groundbreaking project.
As part of Video Your Vote, YouTube is giving out innovative Flip Cameras, small videocameras designed for high production values and quick digital upload.
Each contributor who receives a camera guarantees that she will upload at least 9-10 videos on Election Day (3 before heading to the polling place, 3 at the polling place, and 3 afterward). Voters also promise to upload videos to YouTube as soon as they are captured on Election Day.
Want to get a free camera and make history? Email with the following details:
1. Name
2. Email
3. Phone #
4. City/State
Important: If you decide to take part, make sure to research laws in your state for filming your vote here: