Categories: Sports

VIDEO: Hans Lange BASE Jump Crash

Base-jump goes wrong
by ITN

Hans Lange, a Norwegian BASE jumper, is lucky to be alive after a dangerous crash he suffered after jumping off the side of a cliff. Lange captured the entire ordeal on video which is available above.

Hans Lange’s parachute did not open correctly and directed his flight path in to the side of a cliff face. After smashing into the cliff, Lange helplessly falls further, trying to right his parachute before he gets caught up in a tree. Miraculously, he survived the crash with a broken leg and was airlifted to safety.

When asked if he will jump again, Hans Lange says that, once he has recovered, he will jump again. "It all comes down to better planning," he says. "It’s a fantastic feeling to fly along a mountainside."

Source: Associated Press

Click here for another article about adventure sports gone wrong.

Joe DeFranceschi: I am a journalist and former magazine editor currently based in New York City. Hopefully GroundReport will give me an outlet to write about the stories that are largely ignored in traditional media.
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