In America recently thousands of Americans banded together in order to stage mass protest "tea parties" throughout the nation in response to the recent bank bail-outs, stimulus, high taxes and lack of regulation over the Federal Reserve, a private banking institution which regulates and controls this nation’s currency.
Prior to these organized events, a memo was issued from the Department of Homeland Security which now is targeting dissident Americans who do not hold with the federal government’s continuing violations upon America’s Constitution, including returning Iraq and Afghanistan war veterans, as "extreme right wing" terrorists.
This memorandum was distributed to state and local law enforcement agencies throughout the nation.
The memorandum in part, had this to say with respect to it’s definition of "right wing extremism:"
"Rightwing extremism," the report said in a footnote on Page 2, goes beyond religious and racial hate groups and extends to "those that are mainly anti-government, rejecting federal authority in favor of state or local authority, or rejecting government authority entirely."
"It may include groups and individuals that are dedicated to a single issue, such as opposition to abortion or immigration," said the report, which also listed gun owners and veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars as potential risks."
Several members of Congress are now confronting the Department’s Secretary in an effort to gain an explanation for the broad-based and open ended language contained in the memo, which actually targets any and all who may disagree with governmental policy – although in America such dissident protests and positions are protected under the American Bill of Rights affording the right to "free association and assembly" and "freedom of speech."
In fact, these are fundamental rights and freedoms given to all natural or naturalized Americans, which restrictions in England actually were the basis of America’s Revolutionary War in 1776.
Interesting enough, however, mention by these same Congressmen now objecting has not been made that in late 2007 over 400 members of the House passed an Act, "The Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorist Act of 2007" in which such broad based language was included which actually is responsible for Ms. Napolitano’s issuance of such an illegal and unlawful memorandum.
That doesn’t, in and of itself, excuse Ms. Napolitano. After all, she is an attorney and should know that such an "Act" is a basic violation of the U.S. Constitution and prohibited under it. She is, after all, also as Secretary of Homeland Security bound by the Constitution in the execution also of her duties and not to Congress or the President – but the Constitution.
This Bill passed overwhelmingly in the House, although it is unclear whether or not it has yet been addressed or passed by the Senate. However, Senate members must be aware of it because sums in order to fund the provisions under it for the Department of Homeland Security for the National Fusion Center and these memos was included in the stimulus package.
And those that are outraged now had the choice of abstaining from voting on the stimulus until they had the time to read it, so that is also no excuse but merely is political posturing for the public at this point.
This Act makes not simply acts of violent terrorism by foreigners against the country or American people a crime, but the mere political disagreement or political ideology which differs with elected or appointed governmental officials by Americans a crime in and of itself.
In short, governmental tyranny at it’s core, and a fundamental violation of the basis upon which this entire nation was founded.
In fact, the Department of Homeland Security, according to a YouTube video, is using this Act in order to now rewrite American history, teaching local and state government officials that the founding fathers of this nation were actually the first terrorists.
Global socialism as exhibited with the AIG bailout, now is not only destroying this nation’s economy, but it’s very essence, by those now in Washington who have abandoned the very principles and foundations upon which those founders fought – freedom over governmental tyranny.
Actually, it appears this Act and memo have made the government itself a "hate group" of the majority of a significant number of the American people, by last polls, that do not agree with the onging War in Iraq, stimulus provisions, Federal Reserves arbitrary monetary policies. It appears that instead of the government being representative of the people, it is now it’s own hate group targeting the people.
You can read the provisions of the Senate version (S-1959) of this bill at:
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