Visiting Modern Art Museum

In this museum, I didn’t visit a certain exhibition. I was having and there looking at different types of art by different artists. I saw many famous artist works from Pablo Picasso to Frodo Kahlo.

There were some paintings that I found so place and I couldn’t find the meanings behind it. Such as pictures that showed a lot of scribbling and scrabbling. I felt that my little nephew could even draw a picture like that with different colors and there were some pictures that I thought was so beautiful, especially the romantic ones. I saw pictures that I thought was so beautiful especially the romantic ones. I saw pictures of flowers, that were beautifully drown. I found this black and white picture of two couples so cute and romantic and I also liked pictures villages on plans.

There were pictures that showed nature, the way of life and humans itself. Incarcerated with carious themes such as romance, friendship, etc some pictures were simple while others were very abstract and hard to understand.

In this museum, I saw many arts that I have never seen before, I have saw arts by artists that I’ve never heard before and some were very beautiful and meaningful.

B.R. Tauhid:
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