The personal and banking details of 25 million people in the UK have been lost in the post, along 41 departmental laptops containing sensitive information. According to reports, a junior official burnt two CDs with the UK’s entire children benefit information and posted them, via courier, to the National Audit Office in London. They never arrived. Under Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs procedures, details of name, addresses, national insurance numbers and bank account information should have never left offices in Tyne & Wear, UK. The government has known about the missing data for 10 days and the public is calling for the resignation of the chancellor of the exchequer Alistair Darling.
Today’s comments come from the moo’ing marauders of London’s onling forum and the Daily Mail. Read on for calls for resignation, death and of course, xenophobia . Remember, where people don’t think, they just bark.
"I don’t know what people are panicking about.The majority of people on the database will be jolly foreigners sucking us dry anyway. Surely a cause for celebration?"
"Why is everybody so surprised? You can’t expect a legalised thief to do anything else but screw up.Taxmen should not be involved in paying benefits. It takes a unique kind of sub-human to work for the IR – it is just not in their genes to give money back. Pretty soon, they’ll all be suing on the grounds of stress as their pilfering little brains can’t cope with the concept of handing money over."
Fed-Up, QLD, Australia
"Just look at the pictures of these three (Paul Gray, who resigned following the discovery, Alistair Darling and George Osbourne, shadow chancellor – ed) and you really can tell that they belong in an asylum
and not running the country."
Colin Blakeley, Dewsbury England
"Beyond belief… the Brazilians run their tax system better than this."
Bill, Recife,Brazil
"One blunder after another. Resign Mr Darling, falling on your sword is the only honourable thing left for you to do."
Phil Sale ( Ex Pat), Granada, Spain
"Christ this government just gets better doesnt it. They couldnt run a p**s up in a brewery… and sitting on it for a week knowing they have lost vital information… just sack the lot of them get them out."
Lily, London
"It would not surprise me in the least that this info could be in the hands of some Eastern European gang with probable connections at HMRC"
Gary, Dorset
An issue of government incomptence has somewhat morphed into an offence that warrants death, includes genetic explanation and of course, somehow foreigners are implicated.
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