It is very hard to get out of the clutches of cigarette & because of increasing stress cigarette smoking is increasing among all age groups & in all countries . During diet counseling , many times people ask me how they can get rid from the cigarette . So below are some medical & non-medical measures
1) NICOTINE PATCHES :- A nicotine patch is a trans-dermal patch that releases nicotine into the body through the skin. It is usually used as a method to quit smoking.The first patch appeared in the 1990s.However there are side effects of Nicotine patches it causes itching & in some cases people experience abnormally vivid dreams or nightmares.
2) HYPNOSIS :-Is also considered as a way to quit smoking. It puts people in a state of mind where the mind does not believe in smoking or the satisfaction gained by smoking. However, hypnosis is a highly debatable concept and one should be careful before going in for anything like this.
3) INCREASING INTAKE OF MILK : Recent studies have showed that by consuming milk daily, the taste of Cigarette gets altered & the smoker experiences nausea when he smokes. It has been proved that beverages like coffee , alcohol stimulates desire to smoke . In other words Alcohol & coffee are good companions of Cigarette . Therefore in order to quit smoking one needs to restrict alcohol & coffee intake & should increase the consumption of milk .
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