War of attrition since days of Mughal empire is a common feature among Muslim rulers of Subcontinent, Mughal tradition is that when king becomes week and old his sons pick up a sword to win the throne most often they fight among themselves every prince want to be the king, mostly the kings were in habit of getting married to more then one queen, so step brothers fight with each other and their queen mothers strive to win the throne for their sons, Mughal kings were jailed and blinded by their own sons in their old age, they had left no tradition regarding peaceful transfer of power.
After nine years of rule of General Parvez Musharaf in Pakistan, war of attrition is on, the President is still young and powerful is taking enough measures to secure himself, after giving so much freedom to media and after getting basic steps to pave the way for true democracy in Pakistan, the President is now trying to rule Pakistan through emergency rule, “warring factions in NWFP province of Pakistan have created so much terror that a political Party Muslim League (Q) leader of NWFP has received only three applications for party ticket for forth coming national elections in first week of January 2008” Mr. Tariq Mehmood has said.
On Saturday 17-11-2007 late in the evening around nine o’clock a powerful bomb was set off by unknown miscreants in a CD shop in Miangan Colony situated on Bannu road Kohat, Rescue 15 police sources have said that only CD shop is destroyed no person is killed or injured, Kohat City and Paracha Town areas were rocked with the explosion.
Geo TV a private TV Channel now banned by President General Parvez Musharaf recently was also playing its part in war of attrition, was bit pro democracy and was up to some extent creating consciousness about their fundamental rights in illiterate masses of Pakistan.
political leaders currently available in Pakistan are the hereditary monarchs of their respective political parties, devoid of within party elections these political parties are organized more at the pattern of black and brown shirts of Hitler and Mussolini whom were out to beat the opponents on streets of Germany and Italy before second great war.
Submitted by
Abdur Raziq
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