Web Designer Juno Split Tests Graphics; White Shades Preferred On Sites

When it comes to web designing, graphics comes into play more than any other factor. Junowebdesign’s Dave Wiltshire describes what choices you have when you’re choosing background colors from an online store.

Trec Nutrition, a Magento ecommerce client with Juno designed their site with a black and red background at first. This website is in the process of split-testing with a brand new white appearance so it reflects a generic website.

The graphic web designers at Juno are aware of the fact that sites representing hobbies and activities need to have a different presentation from one that is for a company or retailer, for example. The SEO team at Juno put their prejudices aside and decided to go with a different CSS file to create a white background. This enabled them to split test two different CSS files instead of hacking the internal code. Please visit http://www.junowebdesign.com/graphic-design/trec-nutrition-split-testing for a look at the two homepages designed for Trec Nutrition

Statistics show that the white background is outperforming the previous darker shades by about 2.5%. The testing phase began since December 23rd and it reflects a significant number of the sample rate – all of the visitors to the site have been utilized in the experiment.

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