Welcome to GroundReport

Welcome to GroundReport.com, a groundbreaking news site slated to launch in late 2006.

In the open spirit of GroundReport, we’ve decided to throw open our
doors and let you take a look around. We’re going to be writing
periodically to keep you in the loop on what’s going on at GroundReport.

First, here’s what you can do on GroundReport:

1. Write and post original articles instantly, on whatever you want.

2. Track your stories and make money based on their popularity. All ad
revenues are split 50-50 between GroundReport and its writers.

3. Find real stories by real people. There are no editors on GroundReport–so there’s no spin.

4. Customize your Front Page to see the articles that are most exciting to you every time you log on.

5. You tell us. GroundReport is by the people and for the people. Think
of a feature you’d like to see? Let us know at info@groundreport.com.

It’s great to know you’re interested in GroundReport. Please check back
frequently so that you know what we’re up to and when we formally

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