A piece ‘ENIGMA OF DELHI’S PFREDICAMENT ; OVERAPPEASING THE SRI LANKAN REGIME ‘ that appeared in these web pages on 03 July 2010 needs updating more so following the antics of the South Block Krishna visiting Sri Lanka. The why and the wherefore for the Rajapakse being able to call the shots in Indo-SL relations in the post Tamil rebel period needs to be re-presented before readers. When there is so much information in the public domain only a very few will dispute that the South Block mandarins brought India into this major quagmire. Any hope of Delhi extricating itself out of it is remote and the South Block policies are further dragging Delhi into that intractable quagmire. The defeat of the Tamil rebels in May 2009 met fully Rajiv’s commitment to SL under the1987 Indo-SL Accord but SL is causing unforeseen heartburns that Delhi prefers to avoid.
The corruption rage (kollaiveri) drove the Indo-SL policies of Rajiv and Sonia since the 1980’s. Rajiv committed to SL on a mercenary deal to finish off the Tamil rebels under the Indo -SL Accord in 1987; and Sonia delivered on Rajiv’s commitment in full by May 2009. Sonia surreptitiously used the Delhi South Block trio in the planning and execution of the SL war that brought the total elimination of the Tamil rebels, civilians in massive numbers and flight overseas of other Tamils in far larger numbers altering the demographic balance substantially disadvantaging Eelam Tamils in SL – effectively this is genocide.
In the final days/months of that war monstrous crimes were committed by the Rajapkses and the ‘in the loop’ South Block Delhi that shocked the world, with the international community reacting sharply with initiatives to bring those responsible for the crimes to account. Gothabhaya Rajapakse threatened to implicate within days of the news of the May 2009 massacres leaking with his daring ‘in the loop’ hint to Delhi. This terrified Delhi to hurriedly jump into the vanguard of a diplomatic campaign to muster support for the SL genocide first congratulating SL for its victory over the Tamil rebels at the UNHRC May 2009 sessions (an extra-ordinary civilized reaction to the killings of over 40 000 civilians).
The compulsion for Delhi to desperately opt for this diplomatic line to go to any length to please the Rajapakses was to discourage Colombo from implicating the Delhi trio in the Mullivaykal massacres. Since then the initiatives of the international (except Delhi) community to hold genocide SL accountable for the crimes gathered momentum to a level that Delhi/Colombo had not anticipated. Yet Delhi had to stick steadfastly to its policy of supporting the SL genocide, its massacres and fight against the legitimate accountability initiatives. To the Sonia Delhi junta denying justice to the victims, the Eelam Tamils is inconsequential; keeping the Rajapakses happy is paramount to ensure that Colombo does not implicate the Delhi trio in the massacre crime.
Colombo exploited Delhi’s plight into complying with the June 2011 Rajapakse’s one to one stern strictures to Shiv Shankar Menon that Delhi desist interfering in the Eelam Tamil issue whether for the 13th Amendment or any other proposal. Delhi prudently and slavishly complied, observing a stilled silence and caving in to Colombo locking out Delhi from any involvement in the Tamil issue. What changed since then was Colombo’s fear of the heat of the international pressure for crimes proceedings against it at the UNHRC September 2011 sessions and now the build up to the UNHRC sessions in March 2012. There is sufficient information in the public domain exposing the Delhi/Colombo pretences in explaining the reasons for the timing and absence of any tangible gains that Krishna boastfully attributes to his SL visit in January 2012.
Satish Chandra ‘Why Krishna’s visit to Lanka can’t be termed successful (Rediff January 24 2012) in effect substantiates this point of view; but he misses the point that there is a Delhi/Colombo conspiracy to delay action against SL in the UNHRC with misleading reports that much tangible progress is occurring on the ground for the Tamils in the North or East. The international communities’ own sources on the ground on this contradict Krishna’s account of ground conditions in SL. Information emanating from the Krishna types is bound to discredit most information sourced from Delhi.
Rajiv’s rampant corruption rage clouded out his objectivity when he agreed to the mercenary deal to destroy the Tamil rebels, though the Tamils rebels were fighting for a legitimate cause, namely the survival of the Tamils from the murderous rage (kolaiveri) of Sri Lankan (SL) regimes. The Rajiv clan is/was driven by a mafia mercenary rage seeking to profit as it did from the Bofors scam. In the Bofors scam inferior weapons meant that the lives of the Indian armed forces in the battlefront were to serve as cannon fodder. However it was the private gain of the Rajiv/Sonia junta that mattered. It is hardly surprising that for Sonia who shares the same mafia values the sacrifice of over 40 000 civilian Eelam Tamils (excuse was they were not Indians) lives in May 2009, is inconsequential.
However once the Tamil rebels were destroyed the collateral damage to Delhi was immediately felt by Delhi when an ungrateful SL locked Delhi out from broaching the Tamil issue and more dangerously lining up the China threat into the region to counteract Delhi should it react adversely to Colombo’s humiliating gestures in the eyes of TN Tamilians. Despite the Krishna’s ‘no see’ charade nothing has changed; the Rajapakse genocide still proceeds with more vehemence to destroy traces of the Tamil homelands in SL which the reports of the international community confirm. How will the international community judge the credibility of reports coming from a Krishna, the South Block and Delhi?
How does India’s regional standing in South Asia fare when SL regularly taunts Delhi over the Tamil issue and its devolution commitment under the 1987 Indo-SL Accord. The foothold that SL gave to China is a threat to the Indian Ocean sea lanes critical to India’s survival. And tinier nations like the Maldives are keen to follow SL’s example. The Sonia junta in the final analysis has left Delhi with an irreversible long term national threat/quagmire.
The amount of homage that Krishna pays to the Rajapakses as most Delhi delegations do is not out of concern for the Tamils when a determined Rajapakse earmarks them for a demographic elimination from SL for all times. Krishna’s recent make believe statements during the trip to SL is to save SL and the Sonia ‘in the loop’ South Block trio involved in the Mullivaykal massacres crimes from being debated in the UNHRC sessions in March 2012. The Delhi South Block is a mafia like outfit serving the mafia Sonia junta that is most frightful of Gothabhaya who without hesitation on receiving the news of the leaks of the massacres immediately went public on the Delhi ‘in the loop’ trio hint. In private the Rajapakses have reportedly warned Delhi of implicating the Delhi trio in the SL’s crimes. Hence Delhi’s pre-emptive defensive (Krishna’s) acts are motivated by DELHI MORE ALARMED THAN COLOMBO OVER MULLIVAYKAL (M’KAL) NASSACRES AND SRI LANKA (SL) WAR CRIMES; A RE-RUN- Ground report of December 05, 2010.
The South Block instigated Krishna’s trip, was under instructions to deliver glowing statements on SL’s LLRC, SL’s reconstruction works (though pathetic), progress on the 13th Amendment devolution and SL-TNA talks. Gothabhaya repudiated within 24 hours Krishna’s claim that the President committed to implement the 13th amendment plus during the visit. There was nil progress on a political solution to the Tamil grievances. This points to Krishna’s role more as the spokesperson for the Rajapakses and the Delhi South Block trio purely to mislead the international community to hijack progress on the UNHRC accountability initiatives dashing the only hope the Tamils have for survival in SL. Please see THE UNHRC – THE LAST REFUGE FOR EELAM TAMILS! …’Groundreport.com of September 24, 2011.
The Tamils’ fears of the Delhi’s hidden agenda is outlined in the September , 09, 2011 Ground report (DELHI’S CAMPAIGN TO SAVE SRI LANKA FROM ITS GENOCIDE CRIMES CHARGES ONLY TO SAVE THE RAJAPAKSES OR THE DELHI SONIA JUNTA AS WELL.) are reinforced in the actions and statements of Krishna during his recent visit to SL. Krishna outclassed Shankar Menon is putting out totally misleading reports on the plight of the Tamils in SL. This is inhuman.
The pain from the Sonia/Narayanan junta misusing state instrumentalities, deploying RAW India’s intelligence to assist SL in defeating and ruthlessly destroying the Tamils backfired miserably. Narayanan shared RAW’s logistics intelligence with the SL intelligence who also worked closely with ISI of Pakistan. Belated reports that are widely circulating point to the ingratitude of SL that leaked RAW’s logistics intelligence to ISI who used it to identify the security surveillance gaps in the Bombay front for the ISI agents/terrorists to launch the audacious and devastating 9/11 attack on Bombay that killed 164 people (151 were from 11 different countries) and wounding more than 308 others. (Boston Globe of 28 November 2008) At the time of the attack the anger of most Indians was directed at Pakistan’s ISI overlooking RAW/South Block’s contribution and SL’s intelligence treachery.
That attack was possible once the RAW’s surveillance cover for Bombay front was surreptitiously moved away to the battle zone in North SL to provide logistic intelligence for the SL forces. Sonia junta Narayanan escaped accountability for this major lapse simply because he is a key South Block Sonia loyalist. He was rewarded with a governorship instead.
A more serious ramification of Delhi’s pro-SL anti-Tamil South Block strategy is totally eliminating the Tamil rebels (Delhi’s leverage) freeing SL from dependence on Delhi. Following this, SL stabbed India in the back by allowing China a firm foothold in SL. This never ever occurred before and caused Delhi much trauma. The China factor haunts Indo-SL relations with SL taunting Delhi by locking it out from talks to resolve the Tamil issue and repudiating its commitments under the 1987 Indo-SL Accord. This is evidence of the extent to which SL now snubs Delhi, a regional power.
In contrast SL pins Delhi down strongly to its agreement on Katchchativu with the South Block Delhi tamely and quite patriotically supports SL’s position publicly. As long as the Tamil rebels had the upper hand SL in the battlefront Colombo sought to appease Delhi all the time but it is Delhi’s turn now to go beyond appeasing to paying homage to plead not over the Tamil issue and Indo-SL Accord devolution package but to spare the Delhi trio. Though as recently as January 2012, President Rajapakse re-committed to Krishna to deliver on the 13th amendment plus package. Within 24 hours of Krishna’s departure from Colombo his brother Gothabhaya repudiated that promise. Aren’t these SL’s taunts humiliating? Delhi having lost its Tamil rebels leverage allows Colombo to brandish its powerful ‘in the loop’ Delhi lever. Delhi has lost all bargaining power that it didn’t even raise SL leaking its RAW intelligence to ISI that caused the Bombay attack. Delhi faces the biggest logjam ever the humiliation of which it suffers silently.
SL’s ‘in the loop’ lever is so powerful that Delhi succumbs to the Rajapakse demands that Delhi openly supports SL in the international arena to stall progress on measures in the UNHRC to hold SL accountable for genocide and war crimes. Following SL’s example now tiny Maldives is in talks with China on giving a base in Schelles to China without consulting Delhi. The humiliating levels to which Delhi’s regional power standing has fallen so sharply that those responsible have to be held accountable. China is close to mortally encircling India with its presence/bases close enough that the cost of countering that threat will be staggering and not affordable; starving Delhi of scarce funds that would flow to ‘development’ Rahul boasts about.
It is strange that an inconsequential Tamil issue has dented the stature of India as a power in the region if not the world. This fall in standing was earned during the UPA2/Congress years and TN and Bihar voters deservedly expressed their anger over what UPA2/Congress did to the Tamils and Indians in the 2011 assembly elections. Yet Krishna skims over these issues paying lavish homage to the Rajapakses for reasons that readers are urged to guess.
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