What Animals Can Teach Us

Animals possess the ability to enlighten the Humans they come into contact with effortlessly, as they can awaken deadened emotions and impact their owners lives in a positive fashion by their mere presence. To a true "Animal Lover" the observations of animal interaction provide a learning experience rich in content that warms the heart and imprints the soul with the knowledge that every living creature is special. Whether a domesticated house pet or an animal in the wild, they present movements and activities in their daily existence that can be applied in analogy to Human endeavors in relationships, actions, and survival, that imparts an educational opportunity like no other.

Most Humans who have a pet residing in their home such as a dog or cat, consider the animal to be a valued part of the family. The basic instinct of a pet that is well-treated is to protect it’s territory and take a defensive posture to ensure the prosperity of those with whom it has an emotional attachment. The threat of injury or narcissistic thought never enters an animals consciousness when situations of loyalty arise – they value the success of the social unit above temporary individual desires. This loyalty is present in all animals to a certain extent, however it is missing in some Humans as our selfishness can cloud judgment in the protection of those we love and include in our family unit. This lesson is sadly never absorbed by some Humans, but it is there for the taking by following the loyalty of animals.

Unless a perceived threat is presented to an animal, they tend to follow the "Golden Rule" in their relationships with Humans and other animals that are not natural enemies. An animal treated with kindness, affection and respect will most universally respond in kind, and have quite a capacity for mirroring decency and emotional stability. Conversely, an animal treated with disdain or aggression by a Human will most likely respond with the same attitude. The trust and affection of an animal needs to be earned and does not come easily, and can be lost with a singular incident of poor judgment or anger. This simple lesson of giving and accepting respect is possibly the most important lesson of all that can be learned from animal behavior.

In the final analysis, the lessons animals can teach us begin and end with our own individual Human capability to connect emotionally with another living creature. Our powers of observation without the application of preconceived notions allow a window of insight into our own existence, and the depth with which we view animal behaviors reflects the scope of our intellectual capacity as we search for understanding.

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