Categories: Opinion

What is the sociological definition of marriage

Marraige is an institution developed over considerable period of time.It may have been accepted as a measure of social discipline and as a tool to eliminate social stress due to sex.There cannot be anyone definition of  marriage which is accepted among sociologists.It is such an institution of society which can have very different implications in different societies and cultures. However marriage can be defined as a socially sanctioned sex relationship involving two or more people of the opposite sex whose relationship is expected to endure beyond the time required for gestation and the birth of children.Malinowski defined marriage as a contract for the production and maintenance of children.According to Majumdar marriage is socially sanctioned union of male and female or as a secondary institution devised by society to sanction the union and mating of male and female for purposes  of establishing a household ,entering into sex relations,procreating and providing care for the ofspring. Sociologists Horton and Hunt defined marriage as the approved social pattern whereby two or more persons establish a family.

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