What it means to be Asian?
It means one thing to one and another thing to other. It may mean being an Indonesian to one and being Japanese to the other. It may mean Buddhism or Confucius. Or it may mean black eyes, black hair or brown skin. The west looks at Asian with a suspicious tone. Hence the saying, “East is east, west is west and the twain shall never be met.” Even Asian does not quite fully understand her own self and hence this question of, “What it means to be Asian?”
To me, Asian is people of
Secondly, Asian is unique in her culture. No where else in the world has a culture as rich as an Asian. Weather you are Indian, Chinese, Iranian, Israelis, and you name it, all has a history of over a thousand years. Due to the long historical period of Asian, she has accumulated so much culture in virtually all areas.
Architecture wise, she has the Israelis Wailing Wall, The Throne Hall of Per Polis in
Food wise, she too is exotic, sumptuous and well known. No one in this planet would never have tried or at least heard of Chinese, Indian, Japanese or Thai food. Not only is she the most eaten food in the world simply because of the cheer number of population, but it is also famous of her very tasteful and culinary nature. The renowned extravagant fit for the King Chinese, spicy, and curry Indian, fresh from the sea Japanese, or Tom-Yum-Kung Thai cooking are all mouth watering yummies-yummies.
Clothing too is fascinating even to an Asian likes me. I still do not quite figure out how woman put on sari or kimono. I also can not wear my neighboring Burmese male sarong and walk on the street. But I can certainly boast of my many hand made Indonesian Batik shirts that each is unique and no other same pattern is found in the entire universe. How about Jim-Thomson Thai silk and much talked about Indian wool fabric? All are fabulously Asian.
Language is also the most spoken and written language in the world. With over 1.4 billions Chinese in
But most of all, Asian originated all the world religions of Buddhism Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Even our Lord God Jesus chose to be born Asian. Without an Asian, there would never be salvation. And that makes “what it means to be Asian?”
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