Kind of a million dollar question that needs to be digested in order to come up with the right, if not, probable solutions to the problems that now put the relationship between the Hamas militants and the Israel military in great shambles. But this problem is not new anymore and the primordial reason why some of the Palestinians are clamoring for the impossible is that the land where Israel now stands used to be Palestine.
And it seems doubly difficult for them to accept the truth that the Jewish people are occupying what is supposed to be for them. So that the depth of this political misunderstanding could be traced way far back during the biblical times.
Taming the brazen actions of the Gaza-based Hamas militants against Israel is something that many international political observers view as a stupid move that only tend to boomerang to them (Hamas). And for Israel, which now serves as more advanced when it comes to warfare technology and military might, not to mention the military assistance that America gives to the Jewish State, to bow down to the sinister wishes of the Hamas is like shooting for the moon. As such, their only best alternative is to engage the Israel military in guerilla warfare tactics and terrorism. Many times, the Hamas militants were forced without a choice but to retaliate with the use of improvised rockets, whose technology may had been imported from Iran or China? Nobody knows exactly who is behind this political imbroglio that is already costing too many innocent lives resulting from the untamed aggression that each group perpetrates to push with their sinister plans to fulfill their religious or ideological beliefs.
Positive actions from various international political groups, including those spearheaded by the United Nations, nothing seemed to have worked effectively. Understandably, the intercession of the United Nations could have been much a welcome move as a prime negotiator to put the two agressors across the table to talk peace and harmony. Almost a lot of diplomatic and political strategies were employed so as to put a stop to this bloody mess in the Gaza Strip. However, all efforts seemed to have been futile because most of the Arab countries, perhaps, indirectly pamper what the Hamas militants were doing.
Without the financial assistance given by some Arab lunatics, the Hamas militants wouldn’t be courageous enough to engage their enemies into a long, long war. Without sufficient weapons and money flowing into the hands of the Hamas, I have a strong doubt that the war in Gaza would have been resolved a long time ago.
It is a welcome move that Egypt is doing its role to intervene in whatsoever capacity it could to give peace a chance in the Gaza Strip. Perhaps, what the Egyptian government can do, if it is really serious in its effort as peace negotiator to attain international peace in the area, is to try its best to stop the smuggling of weapons and military arsenals into Gaza. If we look at the map, Egypt is the closest source of armaments which the Hamas use to mame and kill innocent Israel civilians, particularly those who are close to its borders. When this happens, the Israel defense force will not just ignore the provocation. Hence, more destructions follow.
As a last resort, perhaps, Arab countries to be headed by Saudi Arabia, in partnership with the United Nations, must initiate a political strategy to calm down the Hamas and make it to accept the peace plan of co-existence with the Israelis. If not, this political turmoil will continue to haunt the economic, social and political aspirations of the Palestinian people. After all, it is not only the Hamas group that suffers the most, but majority of the Palestinians, whose beliefs have been cowed by the dictates of negative religious doctrines. How many more children and innocent civilians would be caught between the crossfires? For as long as misunderstanding exists between the two warring groups, many more innocent lives and properties would go to waste.
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