Categories: World

What’s Your Advice for President Obama?

Big news: GroundReport is about to announce Talk To US, a new video project tomorrow that could land you on TVs across the US.


We’re asking you, the international community, to tell the US how you feel about top news stories in video.  The best video responses could make onto television, as part of world news show Worldfocus


We haven’t announced it yet, but I want to give you a head start.  Our first question:


What’s YOUR advice for President Barack Obama?


To respond, just sign in and upload your video on GroundReport.com.  It will automatically be entered for the competition. Make sure to state the country you’re from in the video.  Only videos from outside the US will be featured.


So get going! The deadline is February 15th, but we might end sooner.  Start filming and record your advice for President Obama.  You could end up on TV.  And make your voice heard in a big way.

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