WhatsApp Techniques for Business Communication and Marketing

We live in an expensive world, where everything has a price, including communication between people. If you own a business, and you are tired of paying tons on money on your SMS, then we have a solution for you.

In order to stay connected, text messages have always been the best option. But what do you do when you rely on outsourcing, for example? To avoid huge bills, most of the small businesses use WhatsApp.

This application enables you to send text, video, image and audio books, without paying any single buck. If you’re wondering how that is possible, the answer is simple. WhatsApp uses the same mobile data you use for surfing the web and sending emails. The application is suitable for any device, and it is free of charge, including WhatsApp on pc.

Suitable for Team Communication

The greatest thing about WhatsApp is that it doesn’t require any kind of training and almost everyone can use it. Being such a popular application, the team is not pursued by the managers to check the app as they are already hookedon it. The employees can form groups on WhatsApp, so instant messages replace emails in most cases. The whole communication thing is now something fast and easy to use.

Promotion and Marketing      

WhatsApp (including WhatsApp for PC) can be a powerful tool. Considering that this app is the new SMS, it can be used in marketing and promotion. Unlike e-mail or SMS, there are higher delivery chances and less restriction on the format. But still, that doesn’t mean spamming your customers with constant WhatsApp messages is a good idea. It is wiser that you use this app for connecting with your target audience rather than reaching new users. Promote your business in a creative way!

WhatsApp for Customer Service

When customers reach out to you for help, it’s essential not to make them feel like they are intruding or worse, neglect them altogether. Instead of making them wait a long time on the phone until a solution is found, you could use WhatsApp. A study has shown that most of the clients would always prefer to send a message. However, this may not be the best option for all types of businesses. It works in your favor only if you have a small number of client requests.


Want a tip? Do your follow-ups on WhatsApp for PC, rather than with the classic phone calls. As a result, you will get 40% more response. No one likes phone calls from unknown numbers. Somehow, personal messages are more successful. When using the app for customer communication, people are feeling more relaxed and more cooperative.

New businesses have been built by using WhatsApp as a platform. Some use it to control their expenses. Others use it for new and smart ideas. Either way,

WhatsApp can bring an enormous contribution to your company, even if you have just started walking on this rocky road or you just wish for an upgrade for your already successful business.


Keith Tully:
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