Several years ago, an Indian who had returned from a tour of Japan, published an article in an English monthly: “What makes Japan a great nation?” Of his several experiences, here is an incident that shows how a society translated social discipline, peace and co-operation into practice.
I stayed for two days in a Japanese village. There was a hot water spring, which attracted Japanese tourists. About 500 grown ups and 150 children had come to visit the spot. But if I had not actually seen them, I could not have believed that so any people had gathered there They were all quiet and engaged in their own work In fact an auditorium in Japan ay be packed with an audience of a thousand members but everybody would be blissfully calm and quiet.
This writer thus proved that dignity in behavior, enthusiasm for work and concentration, honesty, simplicity of life could be virtues not only in individuals but also in groups. This compares with what a friend who had recently returned from a tour of America said, “Disney Land attracts 40000-50000 visitors daily, but even in a two kilometer long queue there is no rush and no stampede.
Similarly a book was published years ago called – Expo 70 and it was published in Bangalore. There are twenty essays in this book that narrate the travel experiences of the member of the group that went there all those years ago. Each one had described graphically and touchingly the life they observed in Japan, the achievements and accomplishments of the Japanese. It is a book that I wish every young man and woman in our country should read. Here is an account of a special incident:
“There are 3.7 million books in the university of Tokyo library. For many years now, not a single library book has been missing, torn or stolen. When we asked the librarian what was the penalty for misusing a book, he said he did not know and went to consult the rule book. How could he remember these particular rules when he had had no occasion to apply them at all?” See what high standards of conduct can be formed in the younger generation by a responsible society? Children can be molded into proper citizens by appropriate training given right from their childhood.