LUKE: 22: 19-20;
“And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave it to them saying, ‘This is my body which is given for you: this do in rememberance of me.’ Likewise also the cup after supper saying, ‘This cup is the new testament in my blood, which is shed for you’.
When taking Holy Communion during church service are you looking with both your human eyes, as well as your spirit eyes?
Do you even realize that you have two sets of eyes?
What do you see as you receive communion?
Chances are if you are not looking with your spirit eyes, you’re only seeing a wafer and a cup of wine. But do you realize that you are a spirit being and your spirit eyes should see, must see the body and the blood of Jesus.
Jesus furthermore says to us “As often as you do this, do it in rememberance of me.”
How can you not see the body and blood of Jesus and say you are remembering?
To not see with both sets of eyes, physical and spiritual, to only see with your physical eyes, would be akin to being at a birthday party and seeing the birthday cake as a cracker instead of the cake it is.
When Jesus tells us that he gives sight to the blind it is not just our physical eyes that he opens. What would be the sense of that if our physical eyes could see that it is Jesus doing the curing, but our spiritual eyes were incapable of recognizing exactly who it was performing such a miracle?
Jesus is always interested in our spirit for the flesh is unclean.
Communion is to be the partaking in the suffering and crucifixion of Jesus, remembering that Jesus sacrifices himself for the forgiveness of mankind’s sinfulness. So how can we as Christians merely pretend to receive the body and blood and say it is so? Our faith must be such, that everytime we receive commnion, receive the body and blood of Jesus, we do so with conviction, with faith. If we can’t do this how can we claim that we are saved through the blood of Christ?