when will the Indian Government awake?

 When will the Indian Government arise to the problem of terrorist bombing in two states namely Ahmedabad and Bangalore. Terrorists are having a field day . Human life has become very cheap in India.

A sept bombing in US  made the Government sit up and drastic actions were taken in  the US .All we do is  a Minister will visit the place and offer some money . An opposition will also say solace to the victims .

It is high time the Government take concrete  action and arrest the concerned persons . Not only that ,the  Government should attack this problem on a war footing basis . if the Government does not has the necessary expertise it should take  the necessary help from  the israeli Government  or any aother Government which  has the expertise to tackle such situation .

Innocent Indians should not lose their lives unneccesarily  and it is high time the politicians come together  and fight against this evil. I also apeal to my fellow Indians to vote for those parties which has safety of the citizens in its agenda.

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