While the World Celebrates Olympics, Russia Prepares for Open War


China yesterday was celebrating Olympic open ceremonial at 8:08 PM local time. The big event almost cost more than US$ 40 billion was run for 3,5 hours. Total 204 countries, 10.700 atheletes, 28 games, 302 medallions and 7 cities participate. Attending by 91,000 spot viewers and billions of television viewers around the world. 2,008 of drummers were involved in the game. “one world, one dream” is this year Olympic game icon.


Meanwhile, Georgia early in the morning sent out their heavy artilleries fired south Osettia. South Osettia is one of the former Georgia province that stated as freedom country. Tension was heating up after Russia involving to assist South Osettia from Georgia military assault. Russia also sent light artilleries vehicle to conflict zone. 4 Russia bombers jet patch to the area and bombing 2 villages near Russian border. Tskhnavali, South Osettia capital city was Georgia primary target. Georgia assumed that the separatism was hiding and support the fight for freedom. Russia bounty troops spoted helping Osettia army. Abkhazia separatism was movilizing their separatism army heading South Osettia to support the freedom fight.


Israel tend to attack Iranian. It’s secret intelligent divison, Mossad ready to spy on the Iran. The Mossad patch their personnel to learn and spot carefully the exact location of Iranian nuclear facilities. Eventough in domestic, there showed many contradictive to the plan. But Israel said that open war will be the last option. Israel was also waiting for the multi role fighter bombers jet F-16I(Sufa) to arrive in their base. More than 11 units (about 1 squadron) of F-16 will be completely delivered next year. The F-16 have a better range than the former F-16 might take place on Iranian assaulting campaign if the US allow them to. They hope that the assault will happen and end just before the Bush presidential over next year. Barrack Obama is surely win the election might a kind of president that love peace might not agree such war.

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