Many do not like religious teachings because they put the responsibility of our sorrows
on ourselves We have no business to be unhappy when our essential nature is infinite
Sorrow, incompleteness, insecurity and tension are due to our false identification. The
solution is not the company of people, acquiring more wealth, visiting analysts or getting
sympathy from others, but to know one’s true nature and abide by it.
Let’s inquire into the identity of our essential and acquired nature. Why I am truly?
The things outside my body, I am sure, are not me. I am not my house nor money,
however much I love them.
They are acquired by me and I can give them up either willingly or unwillingly. They do
become a burden sometimes. I can live without them for at least a short period even if I
miss them.
Is the body me? I have taken on this body and shall give it up on death. In fact, every
night I give up identification with it and go to sleep and each morning wake up to identify
with it again. This body keeps changing.
I have identified with it in various states and conditions – childhood, youth, adulthood,
healthy, unhealthy and so on. Which one of these is my essential nature? Cells of the
body are constantly dying and new ones replacing them.
Who am I? The dying ones or the new one’s? I can donate various parts of my body –
eyes, blood, kidney – to someone else who accepts the and thereafter uses the as his
own Whose is this blood after transfusion, his or mine?
I can exist without the body but the body can’t exist without me. This body too becomes
a burden to us sometimes. So can this body be my essential part and nature? Surely
not. The mind is a continuous flow of thoughts, good, bad or indifferent, that flash from
morning to night Can we ever count the total number of thoughts we have in one life?
Which of these thoughts is me? Thoughts are a burden too – fear, anger, worry and
Some unburden their sorrow on others, some try to drown it in drink. This whimsical
mind is surely not me. What then is my real nature, which is infinite bliss. Finding that
nature and abiding in it is true liberation..
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