Richness and poverty are the outcomes of human effort. Richness is the result of efficient effort whereas poverty is the result of lack of efficiency in the historical background from time to time.
Time can speak. It can speak according to the effectiveness of thought and its usage. Time is not bias to the richness and poverty of nation. It is human action, which makes time be the indicators of prosperity and failure.
There is an explicit linkage of these two situations with the universal conduct of good and bad. Both rich and poor countries have been gifted with man assets and other assets at the beginning of God’s creation. From then, examination began to evaluate the work of human. Human beings tried to add value towards the knowledge they have been gifted through proper utilization. Some struggled for reaping civilization. Others could not because of ineffectiveness or lack of seriousness about better life style. All human beings are born with all elements except some extraordinary cases, which are also the examples for thinking the difference between what should be and should not be or normal and exceptional. Utilization of inborn qualities varies from men to men according to their willingness and effort. The higher integration of utilized men effort is the backer towards a country. This integration is possible only in a symmetrical balanced environment, which has gravitational power to attract assets including human assets from other parts of the world. The effective land having gravitational power of synergy accumulates assets for the efficient usage to be richer. Other places lack of this magic may not be rich or if rich, they may be looser of richness because of wrong strategy, laziness and lack of wisdom. Who is able to win the magic lamp of wealth through making the whole nation wealthy as the real blessing for human civilization becomes rich. We know the resources are not unlimited. But for efficient uses of resources, efficient human effort is necessary. Unskilled, unaware, uneducated and lazy countrymen cannot do this instead of destroying the resources. Who will take role of removing the curse of this phenomenon from a country? Obviously the leaders of a nation who lead the way of people’s future. This is a combined task for which the unity of leaders along with whole nation is essential that may be hardly seen in an unfortunate nation of poverty like Bangladesh. So, a country needs the assembly of wise population to handle the scarce resources more effectively utilizing their talents, which is the great talk for being rich. For this union, respect and co-operation to each other are essential factors. We can see very easily that a poor country faces the want of these qualities because of internal conflict among political and religious leaders, between rich and poor, between common people and leaders. There is lack of unity towards national interest. In addition, poverty exists in a country because of establishing an effective manner of utilizing human talents because of intensive sick politics, corruption like epidemic, illegal backing of inequitable distribution of resources and other opportunities through mishandling power and laws.
Stewardship principal is severely violated by the leaders of unsuccessful nations for which they are poor. Instead of thinking the identity of a nation, i.e., nationalism, prejudice of self-richness is the motive to gain power using illegal ways. This production of corrupted leadership cannot bring prospect of making a rich nation. So, the main fault lies at the leadership of a nation. Sick leadership can push back a nation by wrong guidance and closed vision towards true welfare of a nation. The leaders of poor country are the makers of poverty through making personal gain foolishly. These corrupted leaders are the holders of wealth without making its proper employment for overall progress of a country. The leaders become unusually fat with the assets of common people. Instead of proper employment of other aids for national development program of a country that come from foreign countries, they practise grand corruption through investment for self interest. The lives of common people face distress in poor countries like
Hard work is the essence of knocking the door of property. Laziness is a great impediment on the way of amelioration. Roots are at first defective by the erroneous dosage of country’s leaders from the past history of time, then the growth of laziness and dullness spreaded out like epidemic, which is the average picture behind the poverty. A long time has been passed after the colonial rule. But the poor nations which faced this rule could not escape from the unfortunate era because of lack of security of human rights in the cases of basic needs, religious practice, freedom of expressing own opinion. There exist funny bloody war by the name of religion, misinterpretation of religion for spreading satanic conflict among human beings all of whom came from the same God. This is also seen in the rich countries but by the modest way behind the wall in the dark room not foolishly in this funny way. Women are harassed frequently in poor nations; social empowerment of women has not established yet there. To get a rich nation, human rights towards both men and women are essential. In villages of poor nations, women are the worst victims. It is noted that like rich nations, opportunities are not established both in cities and villages in poor countries. Poor are unexpectedly poor in those countries, and not treated like human beings. There is a great gap of facilities between cities and villages. Village people are deprived of proper education, good health, and other facilities. So, there is an unequal balance of opportunities in a poor nation. There exists extremely high difference between wages of lower income group and those of higher income group. Respect towards every lawful works has not established in the poor nations. There is no respect towards the work of physical labor, and others workers of lower position. There stays a deep-rooted artificial prestige of rich group, which is responsible for the ignorance towards poor. So, the absence of respect towards all lawful works is a great impediment in a poor nation. Poor people may be active, but social respect, security, opportunities are not active towards them. These are automatically active towards the rich people by any legal or illegal means. Poverty cannot escape from its hand by the gesture of bias richness and prestige of high level of the society. Other wise nations are taking the opportunities of accumulating the existing human and other resources through giving opportunities of utilizing talents towards effective men and giving bribe towards fat political leaders for the other assets of a poor nation. The existing assets are not utilized effectively because of lack of combined power of human talents and existence of corrupted intelligence of the leaders of a nation. The existing talented people cannot work freely according to their own creativity because if they do something against the corrupted leaders, their lives would be risky.
Closed vision of national prosperity through creating efficient population giving their desirable rights for enlightenment is the mockery of a poor nation. Which one is trying to open the closed door gradually, it is escaping proportionately from the darkness of poverty.
Awareness is big factor for national development. For this, effective education at all levels without any biasness and meanness may play desirable role. But there exists politics in this divine education, which can be seen easily at the institutions like Dhaka University in Bangladesh. The environment of education is extremely sick now by the ill politics. If the back bone of a nation is not straight forward through the light of education and efficient population, who will destroy the backbone of corruption, who will destroy poverty from the hand of evil desire of sick leadership. It is necessary that to set up the person for the task for which he or she is eligible. Do all the politicians in the poor nations like Bangladesh know what is politics, do all the religious leaders knows what is the main theme of religion, do all the higher authority have real knowledge of making the administration effective in real sense? There lies question of eligibility of these so-called leaders. There exist nepotism, illegal force and backing, and other means of corruption in the poor countries more intensively which is very destructive for the welfare of the nation. Brilliant students in several cases cannot get good job or other supports timely because of lack of backing and bribing.
Not only this, there is lack of freedom of choice, friendly environment of work, inspirational support to combined improvement of all through giving opportunity towards utilization of fullest potential for overall improvement of national life that is the background of poor nations. They call about democracy of nation, which is hardly seen in the lives of common people in poor nations. The scales of jurisdiction are imbalanced in those countries by the biasness towards powerful slot. The legal authority, voice of media, security forces, and govt.administrations are comparatively dumb, deaf, lame, blind dolls of corrupted greedy perpetrators of democracy and liberty. These perpetrators do not hesitate to sell national self-determination for the sake of holding power through back doors and backbiting. Nasty election takes place for opening the nasty existence of their arrival. There is no place of honest people. Politics of democracy killers begets weeds not fruitful crops for the self-identity of a nation.
Freedom of religion may allow the realization of the variations. If we will not try to understand others’ values instead of our owns, then it is not possible to make the enrichment of God’s creation. Blind faith and foolhardiness are the great obstacle on the way of national progress. These are still more effective in the ego of poverty. Religion is the science of making constructive spirits. Improper mixture of this universal chemistry of religion and science cannot bring improved and balanced life on this Earth, which let the difference among people. Zealous feelings with ill competition exaggerate this difference for which some countries are rich and others are poor.
Bangladesh. But the wealth of leaders of a poor country can not be measurable for its extraordinary over weigh not comparatively less than that of a leader of a rich country. So, it is a funny history of fat wealthy leaders of a poor nation.