Categories: World

Why do countries tolerate genocide?Thinking aloud

Why do we tolerate genocide? Thinking aloud


An interview by the United Nations Commander recently who was in Rwanda when the genocide took place revealed that he informed the Security Council about the mass killings. However no country was willing to commit troops. Yet people were being killed everyday.


According to the report, this former commander has become an alcoholic because he feels he disappointed the people at a time  they needed help from the outside world.


A glance at the sites where the bones of the victims of genocide are being kept shows the brutality of man. Almost all of the leaders say something like that should not happen again.


Yet we have a repeat of that in Darfur region in Sudan. Like what happened in Rwanda, few are talking about it. Why?

Some say they do not want to interfere in internal conflict. Yet people are dying.


What could have happened if Paul Kagame’s troops did not defeat the Rwandese Army? The few that are surviving could have died. Rwandese soldiers could have hunted the Tutsis and moderate Hutus in foreign countries. However, because they were defeated, that is the reason we have peace now in Rwanda. But what lessons do we learn?


Africans are now talking of United States of Africa as something urgent without actually tackling the issue of wars that is killing a lot of people. Is it hungering for power?


Many say United States of America and Britain erred in invading Iraq. They stop there. They do not offer solutions. Yet people are dying there. Do they care?


In Zimbabwe many have fled their homes. Southern Africa leaders met often .They discuss issues but do not offer practical solutions for the people of Zimbabawe. Do they care?


In the world today we need leaders who can act fast to the plight of victims of war and famine. While the United Nations has tried to solve problems,I think it can do more than what it is actually doing.


War in Iraq is killing many Iraqis and Americans. Some people in the Arab world and Europe can have solutions to stop the killings Yet everyone is quiet .Iam very sure Iran, Syria, Russia have solutions to these problems yet they are quiet. African leaders have soulutions to the Darfur crisis as well as Somalia.


People should learn a lot from the release of Alan Johnston. Many look at Hamas as a terrorist organisation .Yet, it has played a big role in his release. Can we do the same to solve problems in other parts of the wold today?


Who has a big influence in Darfur? Who has a big infleunce on insurgents in Iraq?


Is it possible to find the root cause of the problem and offer solutions.If war is because of natural resources of a particular country, can we go to the root of the problem? How many leaders are willing? Hellow, are you hearing?


In the leading case of Donaghue v.Stevenson the Lord Atkin stated that duty of care is owned to a neighbour defining a neighbour as anyone who it could reasonably be foreseen would be injured by the defendants negative acts or ommissions. Surely  anything happening in any part of the world affects everyone.  Resources which could have been used to solve a problem go to a conflict in terms of finances .

 buy war equipment or to support United Nations soldiers. These are the same resources hat could have gone to help a needy country.


A good neighbour sticks to meta ethics of humanity to solve problems of others. Are country therefore good neighbours?


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