Why Girls Should Receive Self Defense Training?

abelleee / Pixabay

Self-defense training is becoming more popular with time. It is because people are now able to access whatever information they like on internet. There are thousands of articles and videos about self-defense training that have inspired people to learn this art. After this training a person is expected to be mentally prepared for any unforeseen circumstances and tackle them well when something bad happens. There are various self-defense training programs available on the internet that people can become a part of. While it is important for everyone to learn how they should defend themselves, such a training is even more important for girls.

In the recent times girls have been focusing more on becoming strong. In fact, most of the videos talking about self-defense take girls as examples in them. There are more programs available for girls for their self-defense than there are for boys. Girls can choose to become a part of the program physically or download a CD or DVD that trains them on everything. It is highly recommended to parents that they get their girls to receive this training at a young age rather than waiting for a long time. Here’s why girls should specifically receive self-defense training:

It Boosts Their Confidence

Most people would think that training based on self-defense will only talk about how a person should fight physically when someone attacks them, but this is not true. Self-defense is much more about other stuff than just fighting physically with someone. The biggest accomplishment of such a training program is instilling confidence in students. After receiving full training on self-defense girls can feel confident and walk on earth fearlessly. This boost of confidence can play a huge role in their overall lives. It can help them improve in their education and become better people.

Keeps The Bad Guys Away

One of the most important things girls learn as part of their self-defense training is having an attitude that keeps the bad people away. It is an important factor that many people don’t pay attention to. If you walk with your head down and looking around as if someone was about to attack you, it is a clear sign you are not confident and brave enough. This gives bad people an opportunity to attack you whenever they can. With self-defense training you learn to walk confidently and in such a way that people don’t zero-in on you as a target.

Improves Their Focus

Even science proves that girls are more emotional than boys. Emotions are good things but not all the time. Being too emotional always takes a toll on your focus. You are thinking deeply about so many things that you are not able to focus on important things like your career, job, education etc. When you have received self-defense training you don’t have to fear people around you. This takes away the unnecessary worries from your mind and allows you to focus on things that are most important in your life.

Makes Them a Hero

You don’t always learn everything for yourself. Just like you there might be many other girls who don’t have confidence in them and this might be causing them big time in their lives. There are girls who get bullied by other girls in colleges and schools just because they look or act a certain way. Once you are confident and mentally strong, you can defend such girls in front of the bullies. In addition to that, you can teach these girls about self-defense products, techniques, etc., and how they can act brave and confident to keep them safe from the cowardly bullies.

Makes Them Stand On Their Feet Again

Unfortunately, there are many girls who have been a victim of rape, molestation or kidnapping in their past. When such a thing happens to someone at a young age, such kids can’t live their lives normally again. They are always scared and they completely lose their confidence of being around people or in new places alone. It is a responsibility of parents to help such kids out of such depression and state of mind. The best way they can achieve this is by enrolling their kids into a self-defense training program. The transformation is quick and your child becomes a confident person again.

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