Why Greece prime-minister frequenting Moscow?

During several weeks attention of the global community has been riveted to Greece due to its economical and financial problems driving the whole Europe into recession. According to expectations, Greek parliament failed to make payments for credits in time. This led the negotiation process between Greece and its creancers into the deadlock, escape from which poses serious defiance for European leaders, handling which will provide a negative impact on almost all the members of the Euro-zone.

Currently Greece public debt amounts up to about 312,7 billion euro, sneaking up on a question: “How could such a comparatively small country accumulate such huge debts?” In fact, upon analysing a range of factors, it comes clear that current Greece situation didn’t arise from nothing. First of all, the country got stuck in a terrific corruption, what is best demonstrated by Athens Olympics preparations, as a result of which Greece budget gap grew more than twice, from 3,4% to 7,5% of the total GDP. The situation was further aggravated by the deep structural problems of the country, one of the most important of which is incompatibility of the local economy with dynamic European market relations. This derived from the Greeks’ unwillingness to rearrange their national economy in accordance with general EU principles, although the locals have quickly got used to high European standards of life. Consequently, country population started consuming much more than it could sell. After all, we shouldn’t forget about methodological mistakes committed by the Heads of the leading EU states, as they where for some reason completely sure that the country which subsequently appeared to have become the EU member-state occasionally, would once turn into its integral part. The Heads of the leading EU states turned the blind eye to the objective facts, tending to emulate the behaviour of the Greek officials on the basis of their own. The idea, that the population of the Balkan Peninsula will one day get integrated into the European community was totally incorrect.

Social stereotypes prevailing in Greece are rather inert, that’s why it’s hardly possible the Greek society could in the near future become accustomed to the idea, that one should live within his means. Apparently, current state of the Greece economy is far from being able to provide the standard of life equal to that having been ensured by the loans inflow. These are the main reasons that preconditioned coming to power of the SIRIZA political alliance, headed by Alexis Tsipras who is lacking political expirience and constructive solutions. Such circumstances have embarrassed Brussels decision-makers, as they have finally recognized that radical left-wing populist will never become a European pragmatist. For this reason, the declaration that Greece betrayed EU, delivered by the President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Junker is slightly inaccurate as it HAS BEEN betraying EU for a pretty long period of time, and Tsipras’ outrageous behaviour is the best proof of it.

Afore-mentioned objective reasons of the current Greece situation are irrefutable and could have even been predicted. But there are also some complementary subjective factors that have slipped away from the public attention. These factors are linked to numerous Tsipras’ visits to Moscow that looked pretty natural for an average reader: Greek prime-minister has been frequenting Moscow in a strive to find a new creancer. Nevertheless, taking into account that today Russia also wouldn’t refuse from billionth loans, it is presumable that the probability to receive Russian money was off chance. It is noteworthy that all the peaceful and even friendly declarations of Russian diplomats are delivered with the only aim to conceal virtual intentions to undermine economic, political and cultural might of European Union by nosing for vulnerable spots within coherent European entity. Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Greece and other, mainly Eastern European states were in sight of the Kremlin engineers in the last 10 years.

So far we can draw the conclusion that Alexis Tsipras saw no colour of money in Moscow, though he was provided with “priceless advice”, that sounded like that: “The Germans and French are weak and half-hearted, therefore being menaced by your exit from Euro zone they’ll give you even more money! In case they refuse aid your exit will become imminent, looming the EU tremendous losses both trendy and financial, meanwhile your hands will get untied. You will get an opportunity to sell agricultural commodities to Russia, that you can’t unload within Europe. Thus you will get an opportunity to raise up to 2-3 billion of external sales turnover while Europe will be puzzled with a scarcely resolvable problem”. Obviously, if Greece move out of the Union, Russia would provide its utter help and support. Even though this support is likely to be restricted to the interests of Russia’s foreign policy. That’s why Greek prime-minister should ponder over the situation Greece may end up in, exploited by Russia and unable of paying back its debts to EU.

Leonard Ramsy:
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