For starters, how can anyone possibly vote for people who make the term community organizer seem like a silly, insignificant job? The Republicans, particularly, Mrs. Palin, choose to ridicule Barack Obama as a community organizer. In my thinking, this is exactly who should be President. Someone who has actually worked among the people who are in some way disenfranchised and need assistance to make their voice heard and their needs known.
Community organizer is the noblest of professions. Characterized by long hours and poor pay it is the most selfless of professions. It breaks my hear to listen to an entire convention center full of people laugh about a person being a community organizer. But then again, most of those people cannot relate to the position or the people who benefit from community organizers. People who need shelter and food or need to find schools and health care for their children. The Republicans have become the party of the rich, so far removed from the lower class that they have no sympathy or empathy for those less fortunate. They show no concern for the average person. Shame on you!
During their convention the Republicans exhibited so much mean spiritedness and mockery that I had to turn the TV off. It was the convention of bullies. Traits that I discourage in my children were applauded by those in attendance.
Barack Obama’s speech was filled hope and positive messages. This is the President I want. One who speaks of helping those less fortunate, not ridiculing them and those who choose to help them. We should be proud that a community organizer wants to become President. Someone who has worked among those who need the most. Someone with compassion and empathy, who can speak from experience.
Barack Obama will enfranchise and empower an enormous number of Americans when he is elected. It will be a great day for
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